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Paul's view of para physin as applied to Romans I.

Several issues relating to homosexuality are being fervently debated in most denominations and in several newspapers in South Africa. Much of what the church is seeking to find is whether or not homosexual conduct is a sin. Within the church there are currently definite disagreements as to whether or not self-affirming homosexuals can be married in the church, ordained as ministers, teach Sunday School or be small group leaders. In recent times organisations such as the South African Christian Leadership Assembly (SACLA), and the Marriage Alliance of South Africa (MASA) had been formed to serve the church and society as a platform in the current debate on whether or not there needs to be a re-definition of marriage. The reason why these organisations are becoming involved in state business is because they believe that there is no law or state who invented marriage. It is the view of these organisations that same- sex marriage goes against the historic heterosexual understanding of marriage which is recognised from creation. In view of these matters this study seeks to actively take part in the present discussion concerning homosexuality and the Bible. It has been suggested that at the exegetical level Romans 1:26-27 contains little ambiguity in relation to the Bible and homosexuality, in that in Romans 1:26-27 Paul condemns homosexual conduct. However recent scholarly work done on this passage has indicated that perhaps on an exegetical level not enough research had been done on this passage to come to such a conclusion. At the heart of the matter are issues concerning the audience that Paul addresses and specific terms (para physin) Paul uses in Romans 1:26-27. In relation to the audience questions are being asked about the extensiveness of Paul’s knowledge on the social customs of the ancient Greek and Roman world. It is believed that Paul was in fact not addressing true homosexuals, those who are born such, but that he was condemning heterosexuals acting as homosexuals. As we will see within the resulting discussion of this study, a good understanding of the audience is integral to the interpretive process. In relation to the terms that Paul uses, and more specifically the term para physin, often interpreted ‘against nature’, it would seem that conventional understanding is that Paul states that homosexual conduct is that which goes against God’s given order. However in view of recent scholarly work there are suggestions which challenge the more conventional or conservative interpretations of the phrase para physin. This study will therefore delve into matters concerning ancient sexuality and in conjunction with this do a literal analysis of the text in question. As this study will also reveal there are several issues at stake within the current debate. Of these issues the most pertinent concerns the authority of the Bible and the difficult task of the church responding to modern culture. If Paul in Romans 1:26-27 indeed condemns homosexual conduct then where does it leave those who are in reality struggling with the nature of their orientation. Some would suggest that Paul is simply out-of date and that his comments are irrelevant to the modern situation. It has also been suggested that perhaps the concept of biblical authority be abandoned and replace with the idea of the Bible as “foundational document”. Although these issues are not dealt with at length in this paper they certainly serve as an addendum to this study. This paper seeks to merely take part in the present discussion for the purpose of findings God’s will in this matter. / Prof. J.A du Rand
Date09 January 2008
CreatorsHess, Maranatha
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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