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Dobijanje ekstrakta nevena (Calendula officinalis L.) ugljen dioksidom pod pritiskom i njegovo mikrokapsuliranje u sistemu polimer-površinski aktivna materija / Preparation of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) extract using carbon dioxide under pressure and its microencapsulation in the polymer–surfactant system

<p>Savremene svetske tendencije upućuju na sve &scaron;iru primenu<br />ekstrakata lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja, kako u prehrambenim<br />proizvodima&ndash; funkcionalna hrana, tako i u proizvodima<br />farmaceutske i kozmetičke industrije. Ekstrakti biljnog<br />materijala, dobijeni primenom ugljendioksida pod pritiskom,<br />sadrže termički nepromenjene aktivne komponente, te se<br />poslednjih godina sve vi&scaron;e primenjuju u farmaceutskoj i<br />prehrambenoj industriji.<br />Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se ispita mogućnost<br />inkorporiranja ekstrakta nevena (<em>Calendula officinalis</em> L.), kao<br />farmakolo&scaron;ki aktivne materije, u mikrokapsule sa ciljem za&scaron;tite<br />od spolja&scaron;njih uticaja, produžetka njegovog delovanja i<br />pro&scaron;irenja mogućnosti primene.<br />Za dobijanje ekstrakata nevena primenjeni su postupci<br />ekstrakcije ugljendioksidom u tečnom i superkritičnom stanju.<br />Definisani su uslovi pri kojima je moguće dobiti ekstrakat sa<br />visokim sadržajem etarskog ulja, nosiocem gastro-intestinalnog<br />delovanja (200 bar, 40<sup>o</sup>C). Totalni ekstrakt dobijen pod ovim<br />uslovima ekstrakcije je odabran za dobijanje mikrokapsula.<br />Ispitivana je mogućnosti primene polimer&ndash;PAM interakcije<br />nejonskih derivata celuloze- hidroksipropilmetil celuloze<br />(HPMC) i anjonske PAM- natrijum dodecilsulfata (SDS), za<br />formiranje omotača mikrokapsula. Primenom konduktometrijske<br />i viskozimetrijske metode, određene su karakteristične<br />koncentracije pri kojima HPMC&ndash;SDS interakcija započinje i<br />zavr&scaron;ava se. Definisan je uticaj osobina molekula HPMC<br />(molekulska masa, stepen supstitucije, vrsta supstituenta) i<br />temperature na &scaron;irinu intervala interakcije i obja&scaron;njeni<br />mehanizmi njihovog povezivanja, sa osvrtom na strukturu i<br />osobine formiranih HPMC/SDS komleksa. Reolo&scaron;kim<br />ispitivanjima pri različitim uslovima definisane su promene u<br />pona&scaron;anju sistema u zavisnosti od HPMC&ndash;SDS interakcije.<br />Ispitivan je uticaj interakcije na osobine 20% emulzija<br />suncokretovog ulja u vodi određivanjem njihovih reolo&scaron;kih<br />osobina, veličina i raspodela veličina kapi i praćenjem<br />stabilnosti. Utvrđeno je da se u oblasti najizraženije HPMC&ndash;SDS interakcije, odnosno kada se na granici faza ulje-voda<br />nalazi umrežen HPMC/SDS kompleks, dobijaju emulzije<br />najveće stabilnosti, sa njajmanjim srednjim prečnikom kapi.<br />Su&scaron;enjem emulzija, primenom spray drying postupka,<br />dobijene su mikrokapsule uljnog sadržaja, stabilizovane<br />kompleksom HPMC/SDS. Najbolje karakteristike mikrokapsula<br />(mehanička otpornost, morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike, sposobnost<br />redispergovanja, veličina i raspodela veličina čestica i količina<br />inkapsuliranog ulja), dobijene u oblasti najizraženije interakcije.<br />Dodatak odabranog CO<sub>2</sub> ekstrakta nevena u uljnu fazu<br />emulzija ne menja značajno njihove osobine, kao ni osobine iz<br />njih dobijenih mikrokapsula.<br />Ispitivanja sprovedena u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji<br />pokazala su da se osobine kompleksa polimer/PAM mogu<br />iskoristiti za mikrokapsulaciju ulja kao nosača farmakolo&scaron;ki<br />aktivnih materija.</p> / <p>Contemporary global trends in food- functional food,<br />pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well have been<br />focused on a wider medical plants extracts application during<br />the recent decade. Plant extracts obtained by means of carbon<br />dioxide under high pressure contained all unchanged active<br />compounds from plant, so that they have became more<br />popular for application in food and pharmaceuticals recently.<br />The aim of this thesis was to investigate the possibility to<br />incorporate marigold extract (<em>Calendula officinalis</em> L.), as a<br />pharmacologicaly active compound, into microcapsules in<br />order to protect them from surrounding medium, improve<br />their activity and enlarge application.<br />Marigold extracts were obtained by means of carbon<br />dioxide- CO2 under subcritical and supercritical conditions.<br />Extraction conditions under which obtained extract has high<br />content of essential oil, responsible for gastrointestinal<br />activity, were determined (200bar and 40<sup>o</sup>C). Total extract<br />obtained under such conditions, was chosen for microcapsule<br />preparation. Application possibility of polymer&ndash;surfactant<br />interaction between non-ionic cellulose derivativehydroxypropylmethyl<br />cellulose (HPMC) and anionic<br />surfactant- sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) to microcapsule<br />wall formation was investigated. Characteristic<br />concentrations at which interaction starts and ends were<br />determined by means of conductometric and viscometric<br />measurements. The influence of HPMC molecular<br />characteristics (molecular weight, degree of substitution and<br />substituents kind) and temperature on interaction were<br />determined and, considering the structure and characteristics<br />of HPMC/SDS complexes, binding mechanism was<br />explained. The changes in HPMC-SDS system caused by<br />their interaction were defined by rheological investigations<br />that took place under various conditions.<br />The influence of interaction on the properties of 20%<br />sunflower oil/water emulsion was investigated by rheology<br />measurement, particle size and particle size distribution<br />determination and stability testing. It was provided that<br />emulsions prepared in the region of pronounced HPMC&ndash;SDS<br />interaction, where HPMC/SDS complex is adsorbed at the</p><p>o/w interface, have highest stability and smallest particle<br />mean diameter.<br />Microcapsules were obtained by spray drying of<br />emulsions stabilized with HPMC/SDS complex. The best<br />characteristics (mechanical resistance, morphological<br />characteristics, redispersing ability, particle size and particle<br />size distribution and amount of encapsulated oil) have<br />microcapsules obtained in the region of most pronounced<br />interaction.<br />Addition of marigold CO<sub>2</sub> extract in to the oil phase of<br />emulsions has no significant influence neither on their, nor on<br />corresponding microcapsules characteristics<br />Investigations conducted in this thesis showed that<br />characteristics of polymer/surfactant complexes can be used<br />in microencapsulation of oil as carrier of pharmacologically<br />active compounds</p>
Date01 July 2010
CreatorsPetrović Lidija
ContributorsSovilj Verica, Lepojević Žika, Primorac Marija
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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