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Examining Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teachers&#039 / Knowledge About Students&#039 / Mistakes Related To Fractions

The purpose of this study was to investigate the prospective teachers&rsquo / knowledge of mistakes held by elementary students in fractions and their proposed strategies to overcome those mistakes. The data were collected from 149 prospective elementary mathematics teachers enrolled in the elementary mathematics education programs from a public university in Central Anatolian Region. Fraction Knowledge Questionnaire was used to accomplish the purpose of the study. The data collection tool included nine open ended questions, and each question had two sub-tasks. In this study, the items in the &ldquo / Fraction Knowledge Questionnaire&rdquo / were analyzed in-depth in order to reach a detailed description of prospective teachers&rsquo / knowledge about students&rsquo / mistakes on fractions.
The results of this study revealed that prospective elementary mathematics teachers mostly could identify the students&rsquo / mistakes. However, although prospective teachers could notice the students&rsquo / mistakes, they could give superficial reasons for these mistakes. Furthermore, verbal explanations, using area representation, using real life model, reviewing prior knowledge, teaching standard algorithm, asking guided questions, using simple examples, using counter examples, using drill and practice, making students aware of their mistakes, and increasing students&rsquo / motivation were the suggested strategies by prospective teachers in order to overcome students&rsquo / mistakes in fractions.
Date01 February 2012
CreatorsEroglu, Deniz
ContributorsIsiksal, Mine
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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