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Atividades de lazer de jovens estudantes das escolas de ensino médio do município de Eldorado do Sul/RS : um estudo descritivo

As categorias de atividades de lazer não foram associadas aos jovens estudantes moradores da zona urbana e rural do município, tampouco, aos jovens que somente estudam e aos jovens que estudam e trabalham. A categoria Rapazes foi associada às Atividades Físicas e Esportivas e a categoria Moças foi associada às Atividades Sociais e Familiares, Atividades Culturais e de Entretenimento e Atividades Religiosas. Pelas escolhas de lazer dos jovens, os resultados sugerem que os equipamentos esportivos e culturais disponíveis não contemplam plenamente as necessidades do público juvenil; as tecnologias de informação têm atraído os jovens para dentro de seus lares; as relações entre os jovens da zona urbana e da zona rural facilitam a influência mútua entre as culturas e práticas das duas regiões; os rapazes desenvolvem grande parte de suas atividades de lazer fora de casa, enquanto as moças têm seus espaços de circulação vinculados à residência; a maioria das atividades realizadas pelos jovens estudantes não despenderam recursos financeiros; os equipamentos públicos e alguns eventos municipais são oferecidos à comunidade de forma gratuita. As distintas preferências de lazer dos jovens estudantes do Ensino Médio da Rede Pública do município de Eldorado do Sul reforçam a ideia de que as juventudes são múltiplas. Ao trabalhar com políticas públicas direcionadas para a população jovem, os setores públicos devem considerar que a categoria juventude engloba uma série de peculiaridades que constituem os jovens como sujeitos com capacidade para expressar seus interesses e de seus grupos com relação ao lazer. / Leisure activities are known and widespread as essential practices for a better quality of life and, for the young population development process. This thesis was to analyze the leisure activities of young high school students of Eldorado do Sul/RS. We attempted to identify possible associations between categories of leisure activities and the youth of urban and rural areas; among the categories of leisure activities and genders and between the categories of leisure activities and young people who only study and those who study and work. A non-probabilistic sample was composed of 298 young people of both sexes, aged 15 and 24, who attended high school in the state schools of the public network of Eldorado do Sul at the end of 2009. With descriptive approach, the study used as a research tool questionnaire called Map Leisure Youth, used by the Center for Research in Public Policy Sport and Leisure City - Nupe City/UFRGS (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer da Cidade - NUPÉ da Cidade/UFRGS). For the treatment of the data was used descriptive statistics with absolute values and percentages and for the association analysis used the inferential statistics, in applying the chi-square test, with a 5% significance level. All analyzes were performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows, version 18.0. The results showed that leisure activities held more frequently by young students at the end studied week were the Domestic Leisure activities subsequently the Social and Family Activities and then the Physical Activities and Sports. The categories of leisure activities were not associated with young students living in the urban and rural area of the municipality, either, to young people who only study and young people who study and work. The Boys category was associated with and physical education and the Girls category was associated with social activities and family, cultural activities and entertainment and religious activities. The leisure choices of young people, the results suggest that sports and cultural facilities available not fully contemplate the needs of young audience; information technology have attracted young people into their homes; relations between the youth of urban and rural facilitate the mutual influence between cultures and practices of both regions; boys develop much of their leisure activities outside the home, while the girls have their circulation areas linked to residence; most of the activities carried out by young students not spent funds; public facilities and some municipal events are offered free to the community. The distinctive leisure preferences of young high school students Public Network Eldorado do Sul municipality reinforce the idea that youths are manifold. When working with public policies for young people, the public sector should consider the youth category encompasses a number of peculiarities that make up young people as individuals with the capacity to express their interests and their groups regarding leisure.
Date January 2010
CreatorsGonçalves, Daiane dos Reis
ContributorsRocha, Vera Maria da
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:UFRGS

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