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Análise das assinaturas isotópicas de chumbo na avaliação das Águas subterrâneas e superficiais da Bacia Do Rio Dos Sinos, RS

A Bacia do Rio dos Sinos está localizada na região centro-oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, abrangendo 32 municípios com população de mais de 1,5 milhões de habitantes e importantes centros industriais. Três aquíferos são identificados na área: o Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral, o Sistema Aquífero Guarani e os Aquitardos Permianos. Este estudo busca compreender a interação entre água subterrânea, água superficial e atividades humanas na bacia, avaliando a aplicabilidade dos isótopos estáveis de chumbo para este propósito. As razões isotópicas de chumbo de 36 amostras de água subterrânea, 08 amostras de água superficial e 05 amostras de efluentes de curtumes e aterros sanitários foram mensuradas utilizando Espectrômetro de Massa com Ionização Térmica e Espectrômetro de Massa com Plasma Acoplado. As razões isotópicas das águas subterrâneas possuem maior variabilidade do que as águas superficiais, com médias menos radiogênicas: ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38,189940 vs 38,4049794 (σ= 0,3021694 vs 0,134317381) e ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18,295117 vs 18,4766453 (σ = 0,2304584 vs 0,105934869), respectivamente. Efluentes de origem industrial (curtumes e aterros sanitários industriais) possuem ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38,195575 e ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18,316875, distinto do aterro sanitário doméstico (ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38,235304 e ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18,660678) Hierarchical cluster analysis led to the distinguish of six groups of waters, representing the aquifers that occur in the area, complemented by clusters suggesting groundwater mixtures and one demonstrating a highly contaminated groundwater. Combining the cluster results to wells’ stratigraphic profiles and multielemental chemical analysis, it could be distinguish the different aquifers involved in the area and establish that the Serra Geral Aquifer System has 206Pb/204Pb ratios between 18.471778 and 18.708884; 207Pb/204Pb between 15.669158 and 15.677662; 208Pb/204Pb between 38.682584 and 38.761559; 207Pb/206Pb between 0.837192 and 0.862277; 208Pb/206Pb between 2.067059 and 2.096437. The Guarani Aquifer System has a distinct isotopic signatures with a wider range (208Pb/204Pb ranged from 37.939334 to 38.127943 and 206Pb/204Pb ranged from 18.089186 to 18.321744). Water mixing between the two aquifers systems is reflected by transitional results. The results confirm that the hierarchical cluster analysis of lead isotopes is a useful tool to discriminate different aquifers conditions, reflecting mostly the influence of the natural lead isotopic composition of the aquifers than the anthropogenic activities (urban and industrial), except when groundwater is highly contaminated by human activity. / The Rio dos Sinos Watershed area is located at Middle-West region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil, along thirty two municipalities and affecting 1.5 million inhabitants and many important industrial centers. Three main aquifers are recognized in the study area: the unconfined-fractured Serra Geral Aquifer System; the porous Guarani Aquifer System, and the Permian Aquitard. This study aims to understand groundwater, surface water and human activity interactions in the Rio dos Sinos Watershed, evaluating the application of stable lead isotopic ratios analyzed for this propose. Thirty six groundwater samples, 08 surface water samples and 05 liquid effluents of tanneries and landfills samples were measured using a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer Thermo-Finnigan and a Neptune Multi- Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. Groundwater isotopic ratios have a wider range compared to the surface water, with less radiogenic means: ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38.189940 vs 38.4049794 (σ= 0.3021694 vs 0.134317381) and ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18.295117 vs 18.4766453 (σ = 0.2304584 vs 0.105934869), respectively. Industrial liquid effluents (tanneries and industrial landfill) have ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38.195575 and ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18.316875, distinct from effluent sample of domestic sanitary landfill (ǣ208Pb/204Pb = 38.235304 and ǣ206Pb/204Pb = 18.660678)
Date January 2017
CreatorsKuhn, Isadora Aumond
ContributorsRoisenberg, Ari
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:UFRGS

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