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The Caregiver Resilience Education (Ca.R.E.) program

Caregivers’ involvement in therapy is integral to the child’s engagement in therapy and their occupational performance outcomes (D’Arrigo et al., 2020b). Access to cost-effective, culturally relevant educational programs for caregivers of children with disability, who are oftentimes burdened with anxiety and stress due to society’s stigma, are limited in low-income and -resource settings like rural India (Angelin et al., 2021). Also compounding the problem are caregiver personal factors, environmental and contextual factors, and health care system factors (Brassart et al., 2017; Vadivelan et al., 2020). Caregiver Resilience Education (Ca.R.E.) is a group-based program comprising five modules that include approaches such as role-modeling, coaching, group discussions, collaborative goal-setting, and therapist modeling. The Ca.R.E. program culminates in the demonstration and formation of a caregiver support group to be facilitated by an occupational therapy practitioner. The mission of the Ca.R.E. program is to improve caregiver engagement and self-efficacy. Through the Ca.R.E. program, the author envisions empowered caregivers coming together to advocate for their children and themselves to combat occupational injustice in a community with the odds stacked against them.
Date24 August 2023
CreatorsMuppidi, Grace Elizabeth
ContributorsWagenfeld, Amy
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsAttribution 4.0 International,

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