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Organizaciona kultura i zadovoljstvo korisnika u visokoškolskim ustanovama / Organizational culture and customers' satisfaction in higher education institutions

<p>Visokoškolske ustanove od 2005. godine prolaze kroz proces organizacione transformacije, koji je između ostalog podrazumevao radikalne, sveobuhvatne i diskontinualne promene određenih elemenata upravljanja i organizacije (na nivou kurseva, studijskih programa,<br />odeljenja i ustanove u celini). Glavna komponenta organizacione transformacije, koja je između ostalog pokrenuta uspostavljanjem tržišnih mehanizama i postupaka za obezbeđenje kvaliteta, je promena svesti i ponašanja zaposlenih. Promene u eksternom okruženju visokoškolskih zahtevaju od svih učesnika ponašanje koje se odlikuje efikasnošću, fleksibilnošću i agilnošću. Odraz ovakvog načina poslovanja ima direktan uticaj na menadžment visokoškolskom ustanovom i primenu savremenih menadžment koncepata i tehnika kao preduslov opstanka, rasta i razvoja ustanova, ali i obezbeđenja konkurentnosti i ugleda u nacionalnom i evropskom obrazovnom prostoru. U Srbiji je organizaciona kultura, kao menadžment koncept, prisutna, poslednjih dvadesetak godina, ali joj se ne pristupa na način koji odgovara važnosti ovog problema, a koji zahteva interes obrazovnih ustanova, njenih zaposlenih, studenata i ostalih zainteresovanih strana. Izgradnja adekvatne organizacione kulture je dugoročan proces, koji mora biti dobro osmišljen, počivati na misiji i viziji, i uvažavati realno stanje i raspoloživost resursa. Efikasna kultura daje posebnost ustanovi, specifičan imidž, po kojem je ona prepoznata u okruženju, a interno pokreće i motiviše zaposlene da daju sve od sebe, što za krajnji rezultat ima postizanje akademske i poslovne izvrsnosti ustanove. Sa druge strane, izvor problema u obrazovnim ustanovama nije samo u finansijama, organizacionoj strukturi, zahtevima koje postavljaju standardi za akreditaciju visokoškolskih ustanova, već u pogrešnim pretpostavkama, verovanjima, vrednostima i normama ponašanja nastavnog i nenastavnog osoblja. Kriza mnogih ustanova i problema sa kojima se one suočavaju može se uspešno rešiti i objasniti upravo pomoću organizacione kulture. Sem toga zadovoljstvo, motivisanost, lojalnost i zadržavanje aktuelnih studenata i privlačenje novih studenata i zainteresovanih strana u velikoj meri zavisi od odnosa sa zaposlenima, a pogotovo sa nastavnim osobljem, koje je pod jakim uticajem organizacione kulture. Cilj ove disertacije je da istraži organizacionu kulturu i zadovoljstvo korisnika u visokoškolskim ustanovama. Za istraživanje su korišćeni odgovori od ukupno 638 studenata i 93<br />zaposlenih. Istraživanje rezultovalo je dubljim sagledavanjem značenja i značaja organizacione kulture i zadovoljstva korisnika, u kontekstu internih i eksternih promena kroz koje poslednjih deset godina prolazi sistem visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Uzimajući u obzir nedovoljnu istraženost ovog problema, rezultati empirijskih istraživanja mogu predstavljati osnovu za neka buduća istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, kao i za uvođenje određenih promena u visokoškolskim ustanovama.</p> / <p>Since 2005 higher education institutions in Serbia, are going through a process of an organisational transformation, which among other things involved a radical, comprehensive and discontinuous changes of certain elements of management and organisation (at the level of courses, academic programs, departments and institutions as a whole). The main components of the organisational transformation, which among other things were initiated by the establishment of market mechanisms and quality assurance, require the changes in mindset and behaviour of employees. Changes in the external environment of higher demand from all participants behaviour that is characterised by efficiency, flexibility and agility. This has a direct impact on the management of higher education institution and requires the implementation of modern management concepts and techniques as a prerequisite for survival, growth and development of the institution, in order to ensure the competitiveness and reputation in the national and European educational space. In Serbia, the organisational culture as a management concept is present for about twenty years. Unfortunatelly, organisational culture was not approached in a way that matches the importance of this problem and interests of the educational institution, its employees, students and other stakeholders. Building adequate organisational culture is a long-term process, which must be well designed, based on the mission and vision, the real situation and the availability of resources. Effective culture provides institutional distinctiveness, a specific image, by which is recognised in the external environment, and internally drives and motivates employees to do their best, and as such results in achieving academic and business excellence. On the other hand, the problems in educational institutions are not only the financies, organisational structure, the requirements set by the standards for accreditation of higher education institutions but the wrong assumptions, beliefs, values and norms of behaviour of teaching and non-teaching staff. The crisis of many institutions and the problems they face can be explained by the organisational culture. Besides, satisfaction, motivation, loyalty and retention of current students and attraction of new students and stakeholders is dependent on the relationship with employees, especially with the teaching staff. While, the behaviour of employees is under the strong influence of organisational culture. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the organisational culture and customer satisfaction in higher education institutions. In studing this problem were used responses from 638 students and 93 employees. This research resulted in the deeper reassessment of the meaning and importance of organisational culture and customer satisfaction in the context of the transition of the higher education system in Serbia. The results of empirical research can be the basis for future researchs in this area, as well as for the introduction of certain changes in higher education institutions.</p>
Date28 September 2016
CreatorsNastasić Aleksandra
ContributorsNikolić Milan, Sajfert Zvonko, Ćosić Ilija, Đorđević Dejan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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