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誠如馬克思(Karl Marx) 所言,人力磨坊造就了封建地主社會,蒸汽工廠造就了工業資本家的社會 。在歷史的演變中,我們可以很清楚發現,當經濟產生本質上之改變時,每每造成社會結構劇烈地改變。從資本主義經濟之發展觀察,特別是從由原始資本累積至自由競爭階段,再由自由競爭進入壟斷階段,企業併購始終伴隨著資本主義經濟發展,也深深影響著社會結構之變動。觀諸企業併購原屬市場經濟成熟,及資本市場發達國家或地區之產物,以社會主義公有制為其政經本質之中國,應與市場經濟之屬性杆格不入;但在西元二00一年以後,全球併購市場發生板塊遷移之重大變化,傳統上居於併購重鎮之美國及歐洲均呈現大幅萎縮現象,而日本除外的亞洲則成為新興的市場,其中以號稱「世界工廠」亦儼然成為「世界市場」之中國大陸,以後來居上之勢,持續受到矚目。


本文研究發現,中國大陸企業併購對勞動契約產生之影響,在二00八年一月一日《勞動合同法》實施前後,展現不同樣貌。在該法實施前,企業併購過程中勞動關係之處置,從理論到實踐、從政策依據到操作方法,存在著許多亟待解決之問題。該等問題在《勞動合同法》公佈施行後,是否戛然而止;除有待觀察外,透過本論文之探討,或可預見端倪。 / History clearly tells us that a change in the nature of an economy always brings significant changes to the social structure. When we study the development of capitalism, especially from the stages of ancient accumulation of capital, to free competition and monopoly, corporate mergers have always gone hand in hand with the development of capitalism, and have always contributed a material effect on the change of social structure. Corporate mergers are the products of a mature market economy and developed capitalist countries or regions. With a socialist common ownership economic and political base, China should not have anything with the characteristics of a market economy. However, the global merger market developed a huge change in the landscape after 2001, when we started to see a large decrease in the original major merger regions, US and Europe. Asia, except Japan, has become the newly emerged market. The “world's factory", China, has turned into the “world’s market” and fast advanced to lead the crowd, capturing the focus of attention since then.

Corporate mergers are a very interesting legal topic because of their multiple forms and multiple links to different legal aspects as mergers are related to the complicated rights and obligations among corporations. One of the aspects, “Labour Protection in Corporate Merger”, is the observation window for the Labour Law in globalization. In the past, the world was divided by means of politics and jurisdiction, with clear boarders and independent countries. These are now increasingly penetrated by the force of globalization. The once closed resources allocation scopes of operating organizations and legal entities have started to open up, which leads to the change of labour relationships. It can be seen from comparing and analyzing the laws of different countries that the effect of corporate mergers on labour contracts is related to the balanced consideration of the economic development policy and labour rights. This balance consideration results in the labour law of the individual country. Different labour regulations of different countries have different effects on labour contracts in corporate mergers. As mentioned above, China is especially worth studying because of its special economic and political systems.

This study found that there were different effects on labour contracts from corporate mergers in Mainland China before and after the implementation of "Labour Contract Law" on 1st January, 2008. Before the Law was implemented, there were a lot of unsolved issues on labour relationships in a corporate merger, from theoretical to practical levels and from the policy basis to actual operation. It is true that we have yet to wait and see whether the launching and implementation of the “Labour Contract Law” will be able to solve the problems, but we might still be able to get some clues through the discussion of this study.
Creators田慧敏, Tien, Huei Min
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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