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分析眼動軌跡以自動量測閱讀理解程度 / Automatically Measuring Reading Comprehension by Analyzing Eye Movements

近年來隨著電腦科技的進步,發展出了各種人機介面的應用。不同於傳統的滑鼠與鍵盤,新的人機介面往往在其他不同的領域能夠得到更好的發揮,眼動(eye movement)即是一個例子,利用眼球移動在螢幕上的眼動軌跡來操控電腦。另一方面,螢幕所呈現的內容也會影響使用者的眼動行為,例如閱讀文章時不同的文章內容就會影響使用者在看文章時的眼動行為,因此我們就可以從眼動軌跡去推測出使用者對於螢幕的內容(如文章或圖片)的反應。本論文的目的就是要找出閱讀文章時的眼動軌跡和閱讀者對該文章的理解程度之間的關連性,最後發展出一個系統,利用閱讀文章時的眼動軌跡就能去推測閱讀者對於文章的理解程度,而無需後續的閱讀測驗。 / 一般人通常對自身的眼動軌跡的進行方式不甚了解,認為閱讀文章的眼動應該是順著字句的進行而移動。其實仔細觀察細小的眼動軌跡會發現比想像中複雜的多,例如當我們閱讀到文意較為困難的片段時,通常都會放慢速度,或是反覆閱讀,又例如看到自己有興趣的主題時會凝視在某些區塊較久的時間等等行為,這些都是在各種不同的情境之下做出相對的反應。本論文提出了資料探勘的方法來分析複雜的眼動軌跡,能針對每個人不同的閱讀模式找出不同的眼動規則。此方法能適應各種使用者的閱讀習性,對閱讀理解程度的預測能達到更精確的效果。 / With the advance of the computer technology, there are many kinds of HCI (Human Computer interface) applications been developed in recent years. Different from mouse and keyboard, new interface will bring more benefits in different area, and eye-movement is an example. It extracts the trace of eye movement to control the computer. Furthermore, the screen content will also affect the eye-movement. For example, when the user reads the articles, the content will affect the eye-movement, so we can speculate the reaction of the user after seen the screen content (such as article or picture) by eye-movement. The goal of the paper is to find out the relationship between eye-movement and the degree of comprehension, and develop a system which can automatically measure reading comprehension without any follow-up comprehension test. / Most people don’t realize how there eye move. They think eye movements should be carried out along the words. In fact, eye movement will find more complex than imagined, for example, when we read the context of the article is more difficult, we often slow down or read over and over again. In another example, people will gaze at some of the subjects that they are interest in for a longer period of time. These reactions correspond to a variety of different situations. This paper presents a data mining approach to analyze complex eye movement. It can find out the different rules of eye movement for users who have different reading strategy. This method will be able to adapt to a variety of users reading habits, and make more accurate prediction with the degree of the comprehension.
Creators鍾政勳, Chung, Jaing Shien
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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