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父母教養方式與青少年行為困擾之調查與訪談研究 / A study on the survey and interview of parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance

  本研究以617名國中、高中學生做為預試對象,經由預試、統計分析結果、選題等步驟,編製而成「子女知覺父母教養方式量表」。再利用分層叢集抽樣方法抽取台灣北、中、南、東四區共1130名國中、高中生為研究樣本,以自編的「子女知覺父母教養方式量表」、林家屏所編「青少年行為困擾量表」與李閏華所編「知覺父母婚姻關係量表」為研究工具。利用Hotelling T2、one-way MANOVA、multiple regression、one-way repeated measure ANOVA、Canonical Correlation等方法進行統計分析,並獲得以下結論:

  本研究依據研究結果進行討論,並提出親職教育、教學與輔導及未來研究上之建議。 / The purposes of this study were to investigate the status quo of parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance, and to develop a Perception of Parenting Style Scale (PPSS) for adolescents. Before surveying, an interview was conducted in order to confirm the background variables of gender, social economic status of family and parents’ marital relationship. And subsequently the PPSS was employed to ascertain the different impacts of the three variables on parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance. An interview was also conducted after the survey. Lastly, the results of the survey and the interview were used to acquire a further understanding of the relation of parenting style and adolescents’ behavior disturbance.
  617 junior and senior high school students participated in the pilot test and the PPSS was developed from the data of the pilot test. There were 1130 high school students involved in the present study (stratify sampling was used to select the subjects from northern, western, southern, and eastern Taiwan). The instruments comprise of Perception of Parenting Style Scale, Adolescents’ Behavior-problem Scale and Parents’ Marital Relationship Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were Hotelling T2, one-way MANOVA, multiple regression, one-way repeated measure ANOVA and Canonical Correlation.
The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows:
  1.Male and female students had significant differences on perception of father’s parenting style.
  2.Male and female students had significant differences on perception of mother’s parenting style.
  3.Male and female students had significant differences on behavior disturbance.
  4.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had significant differences on perceiving father’s parenting style.
  5.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had significant differences on perceiving mother’s parenting style.
  6.Adolescents among 3 groups of social economic status of family had no significant differences on behavior disturbance.
  7.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ perception of father’s parenting style. The prediction to democracy is the highest, then neglecting hostility, nonintervention, indulgence, authoritarian and tolerance in order.
  8.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ perception of mother’s parenting style. The prediction to democracy is the highest, then neglecting hostility, nonintervention, indulgence, authoritarian and tolerance in order.
  9.Parents’ marital relationship could be used to predict adolescents’ behavior disturbance. The prediction to family life disturbance is the highest, then personal relationship disturbance, self-concern disturbance, physical and psychological development disturbance and school life disturbance in order.
  10.Adolescents had significant differences on perceiving father’s parenting style, and furthermore their perception of democracy was the highest, then tolerance, authoritarian, nonintervention, indulgence, and neglecting hostility in order.
  11.Adolescents had significant differences on perceiving mother’s parenting style, and furthermore their perception of democracy was the highest, then tolerance, authoritarian, nonintervention, indulgence, and neglecting hostility in order.
  12.Adolescents had significant differences on behavior disturbance, and furthermore their self-concern disturbance was the highest, then school life disturbance, physical and psychological development disturbance, personal relationship disturbance, family life disturbance in order.
  13.The more democratic a father is, the lower adolescents’ family life disturbance is. The more authoritarian and neglecting hostile a father is, the higher adolescents’ family life disturbance is.
  14.The more democratic a mother is, the lower adolescents’ family life disturbance is. The more authoritarian, neglecting hostile and tolerant a mother is, the higher adolescents’ family life disturbance is.
Suggestions for parental education, teaching, educational guidance and further studies were proposed based on this study finding. / 目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 名詞釋義 5

第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 父母教養方式的內涵與相關研究 11
第二節 行為困擾的內涵與相關研究 25
第三節 父母教養方式與行為困擾之相關研究 38

第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 量表編製 41
第二節 調查研究 48
第三節 質性訪談 58

第四章 調查研究與訪談結果 65
第一節 基本描述統計分析 65
第二節 不同背景變項之父母教養方式與行為困擾分析 68
第三節 全體受試者之父母教養方式與行為困擾 87
第四節 父母教養方式與行為困擾之關係 92
第五節 調查後訪談 101

第五章 結論與建議 111
第一節 結論 111
第二節 建議 119

參考書目 124
中文部分 124
英文部分 131

附錄 134
附錄一 子女知覺父母教養方式量表編製之訪問大綱 134
附錄二 調查前訪談之訪談大綱 135
附錄三 調查後訪談之訪談大綱 136
附錄四 子女知覺父母教養方式量表預試題本 137
附錄五 正式施測量表題本 141
附錄六 正式量表施測答案紙 146
附錄七 施測學校一覽表 149
附錄八 資料分析實例 150
附錄九 知覺父母婚姻關係量表同意書 177
附錄十 青少年行為困擾量表同意書 178
Date January 1992
Creators劉淑媛, Shu-Yuan Liu
Contributors李坤崇, Kuen-chorng Lee
Publisher國立成功大學, 教育研究所
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
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