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Lewensvaardighede vir die laerskoolkind: 'n gestaltriglyn

Summaries in Afrikaans and English / A primary school child finds him or herself in the middle childhood years and it is considered to be a rich phase of life, since children have already reached important milestones. These children have the ability not only to act with empathy but also to maintain independent behaviour. As a result of the development in the cognitive and moral stage of development, these children can also distinguish between right and wrong and they show insight that social rules can be changed. As a result of this development, it is believed that this child will accept learners with different skills more confidently when the required awareness is provided.
One group of learners with special skills, which I focused on during this research, are those who have been deformed by burn wounds. Statistics show that a growing number of children in South Africa are deformed by burn wounds. As a result of the changing policy on inclusive education, these children cannot be denied into the mainstream education system because of deformity or disability anymore. It is therefore believed that an increasing number of deformed or disabled children will be entering the mainstream education system.
Information is gathered through various methods by using triangulation. The literature study, semi-structured interviews with children as well as teachers for experimental subjects, who completed an incomplete sentence test and open questions, added valuable information. Research indicated that children in this phase of life are indeed equipped with certain life skills, which place them in a privileged position to handle interaction with the deformed child, if they receive the required awareness. The information also indicated that the gestalt approach could be used as theoretical perspective for the compilation of the guideline. This approach recognises that play is the child's natural communication medium but also recognises that awareness is created through means of experimentation.
To my knowledge, there is no program or guideline from the gestalt approach that enables education staff to address children's awareness in respect of their inherent skills in the middle childhood years.
The researcher made a breakthrough in the integration of the gestalt approach with the education environment by constructing a practical guideline from the gestalt approach for education staff. Education staff should, however, receive training with regards to the gestalt approach in order to use this guideline effectively. / Laerskoolkind bevind hom- of haarself in die middelkinderjare en dit word as ryk
lewensfase beskou, aangesien kinders reeds belangrike mylpale bereik het. Hierdie
kinders beskik oor die vermoe om nie slegs empaties op te tree nie, maar om ook
selfstandige gedrag te handhaaf. As gevolg van die ontwikkeling in die kognitiewe en
morele ontwikkelingsterrein, kan hulle ook tussen reg en verkeerd onderskei en toon
hulle insig dat sosiale reels verander kan word. As gevolg van hierdie ontwikkeling word
daar verwag dat hierdie kind met die nodige bewusmaking, leerders wat oor verskillende
bekwaamhede beskik, met meer selfvertroue sal kan aanvaar.
Een groep leerders, waarop daar tydens hierdie navorsing gefokus sal word, wat oor
spesiale bekwaamheid beskik, is diegene wat deur brandwonde geskend is. Statistieke
toon dat toenemende aantal kinders jaarliks in Suid-Afrika, weens brandwonde geskend
word. As gevolg van die veranderende beleid op insluitende onderwys, kan kinders
weens geskend- of gestremdheid nie meer tot die hoofstroomonderwysstelsel geweier
word nie. Die verwagting is dus dat toenemende aantal geskende of gestremde kinders
die hoofstroomonderwysstelsel sal betree.
Inligting is deur verskeie metodes ingesamel deur die benutting van triangulering. Die
literatuurstudie, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met kinders asook onderwysers as
proefpersone wat 'n onvoltooide sinnetoets en oop vrae voltooi het, het bruikbare
inligting tot gevolg gehad. Daar is gevind dat kinders in hierdie lewensfase wei oor
bepaalde lewensvaardighede beskik, wat hulle in 'n bevoorregte posisie plaas om, indien
hulle die nodige bewusmaking ontvang, interaksie met die geskende kind sal kan
behartig. Die inligting het verder ook daarop gedui dat die gestaltspelbenadering as
teoretiese perspektief vir die samestelling van die riglyn benut kan word. Hierdie
benadering erken dat spel die kind se natuurlike kommunikasiemedium is, maar ook dat
bewuswording geskied deur middel van eksperimentasie. Sover bekend is daar geen program of riglyn vanuit die gestaltbenadering, wat
opvoedkundige personeel in staat stel om kinders in die middelkinderjare se bewustheid
ten opsigte van hulle inherente vaardighede aan te spreek nie. Die navorser het 'n
deurbraak in die integrering van die gestaltbenadering met die opvoedkundige omgewing
gemaak deurdat 'n praktiese riglyn vanuit die gestaltspelbenadering vir opvoedkundige
personeel saamgestel is. Opvoedkundige personeel behoort egter opleiding met
betrekking tot die gestaltspelbenadering te ontvang ten einde hierdie riglyn effektief te
kan benut. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
Date30 November 2004
CreatorsWard, Elzanne
ContributorsVan Staden, S.M. (Dr.)
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 online resource (xiv, 156, xix leaves)

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