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Хришћанско и паганско у делу Растка Петровића / Hrišćansko i pagansko u delu Rastka Petrovića

<p>Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste identifikacija i osvetljavanje dominantnih obrazaca avangardnog i hri&scaron;ćanskog identiteta u delu Rastka Petrovića. Rastko uvek nastupa sa pozicije nekog ko je blisko upoznat sa umetno&scaron;ću, istorijom i njenim nepredvidivim i nepravednim političkim projektima. Poku&scaron;avajući da rastumači njihove uzroke i posledice, stalno ističe potrebu za integralnim čovekom, kulturom i dru&scaron;tvom uop&scaron;te, kako po pripadnike sopstvenog naroda, tako i na regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Rastkovo opredeljenje da je svet u nastajanju povezan s ideologijom deča&scaron;tva (mladića), znači da je čovek po njemu u događaju Bogomladenca doživeo vrhunac, tj. u potpunosti ispunio cilj ka kome oduvek teži. Su&scaron;tinsko, a ne tek sporedno, akcidentalno određenje čoveka jeste da nadiđe sebe i stremi ka Bogu. Centralnu ulogu u okviru ove transcedencije trebalo bi da ima analiza apriorne strukture čovekovog bića i u njima prepozna otvorenost i sposobnost da se avangardna/hri&scaron;ćanska poruka čuje i adekvatno razume. Rastko u tradiciji vidi istinsko upori&scaron;te transcendencije i afirmacije verodostojnog bića i odgovarajuće slobode gde apsolutna sloboda i apsolutni autoritet nisu suprotstavljena svojstva, već izraz istog bića. Rastkove ideolo&scaron;ke evropske pretenzije mogu se okvalifikovati kao veliki intelektualni napor i pregnuće da se stvori,&nbsp;usvoji i inkorporira jedan novi (obnovljeni) kulturni i religiozni mit koji se kao takav projektuje u praistoriju, a potom samoreguli&scaron;e mnoge savremene fenomene.</p> / <p>The main subject of this PhD thesis was to identify and shed the light on the dominant form of avant-garde and the Christian identity in the work of Rastko Petrovic. Rastko always acted from the perspective of someone who was closely familiar with the art, with history and its unpredictable and unjust political projects. Trying to understand its causes and consequences, Rastko Petrovic has repeatedly stressed the need for the integral and comprehensive man, culture and society in general, both in terms of his own people, and at the regional and global levels. Rastko&rsquo;s commitment to the idea that the emerging World is connected with the ideology of boyhood, means that the man as an individual has culminated in Divine Child event, and only through that event has fully met the purpose towards which it has always aspired. The essential and not only secondary and accidental determination of man is to transcend himself and strive towards God. An a priori analysis should have the central role within this transcendence of the structure of human beings with its ability to recognize in them the openness and the ability to properly hear and understand the avant-garde / Christian message. Tradition is in the eyes of Rastko Petrovic the only true stronghold of such transcendence and affirmation of one true and credible human being and adequate freedom where absolute&nbsp;freedom and absolute authority are not contradictory properties, but an expression of the one same being. Rastko&rsquo;s ideological European claims may be characterized as a great intellectual effort and endeavor to create, adopt and incorporate a new (renewed) cultural and religious myth which, as such, projects in prehistory, and then self-regulates many contemporary phenomena.</p>
Date30 September 2016
CreatorsKnežević Ivana
ContributorsTešić Gojko, Gordić Slavko, Stefanović Mirjana, Samardžija Snežana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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