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Epizootiološki modeli kontrole i mogućnosti primene molekularne dijagnostike u cilju unapređenja aktivnog nadzora enzootske leukoze goveda / Epizootic control models and possibilities ofapplication of molecular diagnostics to improvethe active surveillance of enzootic bovineleukosis

<p>Enzootska leukoza goveda je maligna virusna neoplazma retikulohistiocitarnog sistema&nbsp;progresivnog karaktera, koja se karakteri&scaron;e intenzivnim razmnožavanjem limfocita. Ova&nbsp;bolest govedarstvu nanosi velike materijalne &scaron;tete dovodeći do visokog nivoa mortaliteta,&nbsp;pojave učestalijih oportunističkih infekcija, smanjenja produktivnosti i reprodukcije na&nbsp;leukoznim farmama. Imajući u vidu, da govedarstvo predstavlja strate&scaron;ku granu u stočarstvu&nbsp;Srbije i učestvuje u stvaranju znatnog dela nacionalnog dohotka od 1999. godine,&nbsp;preduzimana su sistematska dijagnostička ispitivanja ra&scaron;irenosti ELG na farmama goveda&nbsp;kako u intenzivnoj tako i od 2000. godine i u ekstenzivnoj proizvodnji goveda. Kori&scaron;ćene su&nbsp;savremene metode dijagnostike ELG najpre agargel-imunodifuzioni test (AGID), a potom i&nbsp;indirektna imunoenzimska metoda (ELISA) kao dijagnostički test izbora. Na osnovu&nbsp;dobijenih epizootiolo&scaron;kih podataka sprovo&ntilde;ene su mere za suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje EGL na<br />farmama goveda. U zavisnosti od tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa proizvodnje, kao i od ekonomskih&nbsp;mogućnosti farmi sprovo&ntilde;eni su različiti modeli kontrole i eradikacije.<br />ELG predstavlja veoma ozbiljan zdravstveni i ekonomski problem za govedarsku<br />proizvodnju posebno za zapate mlečnih goveda, a po&scaron;to se i pored sprovo&ntilde;enja mera za&nbsp;eradikaciju, leukoza jo&scaron; uvek zadržala u nekim na&scaron;im stadima i zapatima goveda smatrali smo&nbsp;da bi trebalo preispitati dosada&scaron;nju strategiju kontrole ELG.<br />Razmatrane su pote&scaron;koće u sprovo&ntilde;enju mera za suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje leukoze goveda&nbsp;kao i potreba za izučavanjem epizootiologije, odnosno kontrole kretanja leukoze u&nbsp;trakozvanim leukoznim zapatima koji predstavljaju potencijalne izvore &scaron;irenja leukoze.&nbsp;Imajući u vidu navedeno, cilj ovog ispitivanja je bio ustanoviti stepen ra&scaron;irenosti ELG i&nbsp;ispitaju do sada kori&scaron;ćeni programi kontrole i eradikacije oboljenja. Zadaci ovog istraživanja&nbsp;su bili da se ispitaju pogodnosti pojedinih dijagnostičkih metoda u cilju postavljanja rane&nbsp;dijagnoze oboljenja, istražiti incidenciju i prevalenciju bolesti, proceniti značaj pojedinih&nbsp;puteva preno&scaron;enja u okviru farmi i u regionu, izvr&scaron;iti analizu dosada&scaron;njih rezultata borbe i&nbsp;evaluaciju pojedinih modela, predložiti najpogodnije modele kontrole bolesti u cilju potpune&nbsp;eradikacije bolesti, a tako&ntilde;e razviti i adekvatan model nadzora bolesti kako bi se sprečila&nbsp;njena ponovna pojava i &scaron;irenje. Rezultati serolo&scaron;kih ispitivanja pokazuju da je otkriveno 10.181 pozitivnih životinja, odnosno 8,1% posto životinja u zapatima goveda na velikim farmama. Epizootiolo&scaron;ka situacija na farmama goveda individualnog sektora zahtevala je posebnu pažnju i tu je ispitano 281.369 uzoraka krvi goveda i otkriveno je 567 pozitivnih grla ili 0,4% posto na području 12 op&scaron;tina. Rezultati seroprevalencije predstavljali su ključnu informaciju od značaja za izbor modela kotrole ELG. Odnosno istraživanje efikasnosti pojedinih modela u postizanju rezultata i&nbsp;zadatih ciljeva. Značajnih za izradu komparativne analize kori&scaron;ćenih modela, njihove primene i evaluacije. Epizotiolo&scaron;ki modeli su analizirani, izvr&scaron;ena je njihova evaluacija i preporuka za primenu u epizootiolo&scaron;koj praksi.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Enzootic bovine leucosis is viral malignant neoplasm reticulohistiocytic system and has&nbsp;progressive character, which is characterized by intensive multiplication of lymphocytes.&nbsp;This disease is causing a great material damage to cattle farming, leading to high level of&nbsp;mortality, with the emergence of more frequent infections and a reduction in productivity&nbsp;and reproduction in farms in which the leukosis appeared. Having in mind that the cattle&nbsp;farming is a strategic branch of the Serbian livestock and participates in the creation of a&nbsp;significant part of the national income since 1999, systematic diagnostic tests of the&nbsp;prevalence of EBL were undertaken on cattle farms, both in the intensive cattle production&nbsp;and from 2000 extensive production. Modern diagnostics methods of EBL were used,&nbsp;firstly the agargel-immunodiffusion test (AGID), followed by an indirect enzyme&nbsp;immunoassay method (ELISA) as well as a diagnostic test of choice. Based on the&nbsp;obtained epizootic data, the measures for the control and eradication of EBL were carried&nbsp;out on cattle farms. Depending on the technological process of production, as well as the&nbsp;economic farm opportunities, different models of control and eradication were&nbsp;implemented.<br />EBL is a very serious health and economic problem for cattle farming, especially for<br />dairy cattle herds, and despite the implementation of the measures for the eradication of&nbsp;the disease, leucosis is still held in some of our flocks and herds of cattle. Because of that&nbsp;we thought that the current control strategy EBL should be examined.<br />The difficulties in implementing measures to suppress and eradicate bovine leukosis were&nbsp;discuses and the requirement to study the epizootiology , as well as to control the&nbsp;movement of leukosis in so-called leukostic herds, that represent potential source of&nbsp;spreading the leukosis.<br />Taking into account, the purpose of this study was to establish the degree of<br />prevalence of EBL to examine the programs that were used so far to control and eradicate&nbsp;the diseases. The task of this study was to examine the benefits of specific diagnostic methods in order to establish early diagnosis of the diseases, to see into the incidence and prevalence of the leukosis, to estimate the significance of some routes of transmission within the farm and in the region, and to carry out an analysis of recent results in fighting and evaluation of individual models, to suggest the most appropriate models of disease control in order to complete the eradication of leukosis, but also to develop an adequate model of disease control to prevent its re-emergence and spread. The results of serological tests indicate that 10.181 the positive animals were detected, or 8.1 % percent of the animals in cattle herds in large farms. Epizootiological situation in the cattle farms of individual sectors required special attention and 281.369 blood samples of cattle were examined and the 567 positive cases were discovered, or 0.4 % percent in&nbsp;12 communities. Results of seroprevalence were a key information for the choice of models to control ELG, or to investigate the efficiency of some models to achieve results and goals, and important for the production of comparative analysis of models that were used, their implementation and evaluation. Epizootic models were analyzed, their evaluation was made and recommendations for their implementation in the epizootic practice.&nbsp;</p>
Date22 September 2016
CreatorsStanojević Slobodan
ContributorsBoboš Stanko, Lazić Sava, Ivetić Vojin
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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