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Karakterizacija strukture i adhezivna svojstva gleđi / Characterization of the structure and adhesive properties of enamel

<p>Gleđ je supstrat adhezije direktnih i indirektnih ispuna, ljuspi, splintova, zalivača i ortodontskih bravica. Adhezija između materijala i zubnog tkiva je ključna za uspe&scaron;no sprovođenje različitih stomatolo&scaron;kih intervencija. Ova veza, bez obzira na brojnost i raznovrsnost novih materijala nije u potpunosti re&scaron;ena. CILJ: Ispitati mehaničke i hemijske osobine gleđi nakon tretmana različitim kondicionerima za pripremu gleđi. Odrediti tvrdoću i modul elastičnosti, odrediti hemijski udeo minerala kalcijuma i fosfata u povr&scaron;inskom sloju gleđi pre i posle nagrizanja različitim kiselinama i utvrditi uticaj prizmatičnosti gleđi na stepen nagrizanja gleđi primenom različitih kiselina. METODE: Sprovedeno je in vitro istraživanje na ekstrahovanim humanim zubima. U odnosu na primenjeni kondicioner analizirano je 192, od toga 96 uzoraka stalnih zuba i 96 uzoraka mlečnih zuba. Pripremljeni uzorci gleđi su analizirani pre i nakon primene četiri vrste kondicionera: 37% ortofosforne kiseline (Kerr, Gel etchant), 10% poliakrilne kiseline (GC, Dentin Conditioner), monomera estra fosforne kiseline (GC G bond), hidroksietilmetakrilata sa fosfornom kiselinom (3M Unitek, Transbond&trade; Plus Self Etching Primer). Određivana je tvrdoća i modul elastičnosti gleđi nanoindentacijom, struktura povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije, dok je hemijski sastav povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi određen metodom energetske disperzione spektroskopije. Rezultati modula elastičnosti unutar grupe mlečnih zuba ukazali su na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između rezultata netretirane okluzalne povr&scaron;ine i svih tretiranih uzoraka okluzalne povr&scaron;ine, dok analiza tvrdoće gleđi u istoj grupi, ukazala je na statistički značajne razlike između vrednosti netretiranih i svih tretiranih uzoraka, na svim povr&scaron;inama, osim na uzorcima bukalne povr&scaron;ine tretiranih poliakrilnom kiselinom. U grupi stalnih zuba, postoje statistički značajne razlike vrednosti modula elastičnosti između uzoraka tretiranih ortofosfornom kiselinom, bez obzira na povr&scaron;inu zuba, u odnosu na grupe u kojima su kori&scaron;ćeni drugi kondicioneri, osim kada su poređeni uzorci lingvalne povr&scaron;ine stalnih zuba tretirani ortofosfornom kiselinom sa uzorkom - iste povr&scaron;ine tretirane Transbondom. Rezultati tvrdoće gleđi stalnih zuba pokazali su statistički značajne razlike između netretirane, kontrolne grupe i svih grupa testiranih kondicionera, bez obzira na ispitivanu povr&scaron;inu zuba. Svaki primenjeni kondicioner promenio je povr&scaron;insku morfologiju uzorka. Ortofosforna i poliakrilna kiselina, u najvećoj meri su uticala na pojavu polja nagrizanja tipa 1 i tipa 2. Primenom G bonda i Transbonda pored tipa 1, veliki udeo polja nagrizanja bio je tipa 5. Analiza hemijskih elemenata povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi uzoraka pre i nakon kondicioniranja ukazala je na smanjenje udela analiziranih elemenata, osim kiseonika čiji se maseni udeo povećao nakon tretmana sa svim kondicionerima u grupi stalnih i mlečnih zuba. ZAKLJUČAK: Vrednosti tvrdoće gleđi i vrednosti modula elastičnosti značajno se smanjuju nakon nagrizanja gleđi u stepenu koji je u zavisnosti od primenjenog kondicionera. Efekat nagrizanja aprizmatične gleđi je značajno manji u odnosu na stepen nagrizanja prizmatične gleđi, primenom svih testiranih kondicionera. Hemijski udeo minerala kalcijuma i fosfata u povr&scaron;inskom sloju gleđi je značajno niži posle nagrizanja u odnosu na vrednosti pre nagrizanja gleđi, međutim sam odnos Ca i P se ne menja.</p> / <p>Dental enamel is a substrate for the adhesion of direct and indirect fillings, venners, splints, fissure sealants and orthodontic brackets. Adhesion between the material and dental tissue is key to success of various interventions in dentistry. Despite the abundance and variety of new materials, adhesion has not been fully resolved. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the mechanical and chemical properties of the enamel after treatment with different conditioners. Determine the hardness and modulus of elasticity, the chemical content of calcium and phosphate minerals in the surface layer of the enamel before and after etching with different acids, and define the effect of enamel prismaticity on the degree of demineralisation by applying different acids. METHODS: An in vitro study was performed on extracted human teeth. In relation to the conditioner used, 192 were analyzed, of which 96 were permanent teeth and 96 were decidous teeth. Prepared enamel samples were analyzed before and after the application of four types of conditioner: 37% orthophosphoric acid (Kerr, Gel etchant), 10% polyacrylic acid (GC, Dentin Conditioner), phosphoric acid ester monomer (GC G bond), hydroxyethyl methacrylate with phosphoric acid ( 3M Unitek, Transbond &trade; Plus Self Etching Primer ). The hardness and modulus of elasticity of the enamel were determined by nanoindentation, the structure of the enamel surface layer by scanning electron microscopy, while the chemical composition of the enamel surface layer was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy. RESULTS: The results of the modulus of elasticity within the group of decidous teeth indicated statistically significant differences between the results of untreated occlusal surface and all treated occlusal surface samples, while the analysis of the hardness of the enamel in the same group indicated statistically significant differences between the values of untreated and all treated samples, on all surfaces except buccal surface samples treated with polyacrylic acid. In the group of permanent teeth, there are statistically significant differences in the value of the modulus of elasticity between the samples treated with orthophosphoric acid, regardless of the tooth surface, compared to the groups in which other conditioners were used, except when the samples of the lingual surface of permanent teeth were treated with orthophosphoric acid in comparison to same sample group treated with Transbond. The results of the hardness of the permanent tooth enamel showed statistically significant differences between the untreated, control group and all groups of conditioners used, regardless of the tooth surface tested. Each conditioner applied changed the surface morphology of the sample. Orthophosphoric and polyacrylic acid, to a large extent, influenced the appearance of etching patterns type 1 and type 2. Using G bond and Transbond alongside to type 1, a large proportion of the etching pattern was type 5. Analysis of the chemical components of the surface layer of the enamel samples before and after conditioning indicated reduction of the proportion of analyzed elements, except for oxygen whose mass fraction increased after treatment with all conditioners in the permanent and deciduous teeth group. CONCLUSION: The values of the hardness of the enamel and the values of the modulus of elasticity decrease significantly after etching of the enamel to a degree that depends on the conditioner applied. The etching effect on aprismatic enamel is significantly smaller than the degree of demineralisation of the prismatic enamel in all conditioners tested. The chemical content of calcium and phosphate minerals in the surface layer of the enamel is significantly lower after the conditioning, however the Ca and P ratio does not change.</p>
Date07 December 2020
CreatorsVicko Kristina
ContributorsPuškar Tatjana, Petrović Bojan, Terek Pal, Milekić Bojana, Perić Tamara, Vukoje Karolina
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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