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A robust optimization approach for active and reactive power management in smart distribution networks using electric vehicles

Yes / This paper presents a robust framework for active
and reactive power management in distribution networks using
electric vehicles (EVs). The method simultaneously minimizes the
energy cost and the voltage deviation subject to network and EVs
constraints. The uncertainties related to active and reactive
loads, required energy to charge EV batteries, charge rate of
batteries and charger capacity of EVs are modeled using
deterministic uncertainty sets. Firstly, based on duality theory,
the max min form of the model is converted to a max form.
Secondly, Benders decomposition is employed to solve the
problem. The effectiveness of the proposed method is
demonstrated with a 33-bus distribution network.
Date07 July 2017
CreatorsPirouzi, S., Agahaei, J., Latify, M.A., Yousefi, G.R., Mokryani, Geev
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeArticle, Accepted Manuscript
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