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Analysis and Parameter Estimation of the Aerodynamic and Handling Qualities of the C-130A Modified With Wing Tip Tanks

This work presents the background, flight testing, and resulting change in the aerodynamic and handling qualities of a C-130A Hercules modified with wing tip tanks. The data collected during the baseline and modified flight tests of this aircraft demonstrated the potential aerodynamic benefits of a tip tank design that incorporates a greater aspect ratio and end plating effects. Wing mounted pressure belts measured a 24% increase in local Cl near the tip tanks. This local increase in lift contributed to a 38% increase in CL max for the airplane. The pressure and dynamic data was gathered using a LIFT (Linux In Flight Testing) system, and it laid the foundation for finding the longitudinal and lateral directional stability coefficients of the airplane. Then using MATLABĀ® and the System IDentification Programs for AirCraft (SIDPAC) to reduce this data, it was possible to generate aerodynamic, lateral, and longitudinal parameters that clearly proved the overall benefits of the design change. The demonstrated lift benefits of these uniquely designed tip tanks for the C-130A cargo transport proved that by capitalizing on the benefits of a combination tip tank and end plate design it is possible to generate increased lift without adversely affecting the stability and dynamic parameters of the aircraft.
Date02 December 2004
CreatorsPhillips, David
ContributorsDr. Charles E. Hall Jr., Dr. Ashok Gopalarathnam, Dr. James Selgrade
Source SetsNorth Carolina State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatvideo/x-msvideo, application/pdf, application/octet-stream
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