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Промене друштвених односа у пољопривреди Војводине и њен развој 1950-1957. године / Promene društvenih odnosa u poljoprivredi Vojvodine i njen razvoj 1950-1957. godine / Changes in social relationships in agriculture of Vojvodinaand its development from 1950 to 1957

<p>Agrarna politika vlasti u periodu od 1945-1950. godine je<br />shodno ideolo&scaron;kim određenjima, bila usmerena na promenu<br />dru&scaron;tvenih odnosa na selu. Međutim, osim ideolo&scaron;kih<br />razloga ne treba zanemariti činjenicu da je usitnjen zemlji&scaron;ni<br />posed već ispoljio mnoge slabosti i da su u uslovima<br />uvećane potražnje za poljoprivrednim proizvodima ti problemi<br />dodatno ubedili vlast u neophodnost koncentracije<br />zemlje i formiranja krupnih, pre svega, zadružnih gazdinstava.<br />U cilju realizacije tog cilja, primenjene su rigidne<br />ekonomske i političke mere, naročito na prostoru Vojvodine<br />među kojima je bilo i brutalnih metoda izrazito oprečnih<br />tradicionalnim vrednostima i etičkom kodeksu očuvanom u<br />seoskim sredinama. Ovakva agrarna politika izazvala je<br />veliko nezadovoljstvo selja&scaron;tva i veliki pad poljoprivredne<br />proizvodnje. Razni vidovi opstrukcije velikog dela stanovni&scaron;tva<br />prema državi i strah od gladi u jeku sukoba sa SSSRom,<br />ubedili su partijsko rukovodstvo zemlje u neophodnost<br />promene dotada&scaron;njeg odnosa prema poljoprivredi i selja&scaron;tvu.<br />Mada se nije lako odustajalo od politike kolektivizacije, gore<br />navedeni razlozi doveli su do njenog napu&scaron;tanja već<br />1950. godine, a zadružni sistem od 1953. godine transformisan<br />je u ekonomski racionalnije organizacije. Ove promene,<br />nisu značile i kraj primene revolucionarnih mera na<br />selu. One su posebno nagla&scaron;ene 1953. godine ograničenjem<br />privatnog poseda na 10 hektara po domaćinstvu.<br />Ipak, agrarna politika KPJ od tada se razvija na principima<br />većeg uvažavanja selja&scaron;tva i uspostavljanja ekonomske<br />saradnje sa privatnim posedom. Novu politiku karakteri&scaron;e<br />dobrovoljnost kooperacije i značajnije ulaganje u prerađivačku<br />industriju i poljoprivredu proizvodnju.</p> / <p>Agrarian policy of the Government in the period from 1945<br />to 1950, according to ideological determinations, was<br />pointed to the changes of social relations in a village. However,<br />beside ideological reasons, it should not be neglected<br />the fact that fragmented land property had already shown<br />many weaknesses and that in the circumstances of higher<br />requests for agricultural products, those issues persuaded<br />the Government in the necessity of gathering land and<br />forming large collective economies. In order to realize that<br />goal, rigid economic and political measures were taken,<br />especially in the territory of Vojvodina, some of them very<br />brutal, totally opposite to traditional values and ethical codex<br />preserved in rural areas. This agrarian policy caused<br />great discontent among peasantry and huge decline of agricultural<br />production. Different ways of obstruction by people<br />towards the state and the fear of hunger in the middle<br />of the conflict with Soviet Union (USSR), persuaded the<br />Party leader-ship of the State in the necessity of changing<br />the relation towards agriculture and peasantry.<br />Even though it was not easy to give up the policy of collectivization,<br />reasons mentioned above brought to it&#39;s abandonment<br />in 1950, and collective economy sys-tem was<br />transformed in 1953 into economically more rational organizations.<br />Those changes did not led to the end of use<br />revolutionary measures in a village. They were even emphasized<br />in 1953 by limiting the private properties to 10<br />hectares per house-holds. However, agrarian policy since<br />that period was developing on the principles of higher respect<br />of the peasantry and establishing cooperation with<br />private property. New policy was characterized by willingly<br />cooperation and significant investment in manufacturing<br />industry and agrarian production.</p>
Date23 December 2014
CreatorsPetrović Nebojša
ContributorsBjelica Slobodan, Kasaš Aleksandar, Kršev Boris, Dobrivojević Ivana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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