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Salivary alpha-amylase reactivity during discussion of the death of a spouse in recently bereaved elders

In this study, bereavement-related biological and physiological stress reactivity during the discussion of a loss are evaluated by collecting saliva samples in patients aged 55 or more who have lost a spouse within the last 12 months. The concentration of salivary α-Amylase, a marker for stress, is measured. Grief symptoms are also examined in these individuals.
BACKGROUND: Grief is a complex psychobiological phenomenon triggered by the loss of a loved one, and that comprises emotions (e.g., yearning, longing, intense feeling of sorrow/emotional pain), thoughts (e.g., thoughts or images about the deceased, difficulty accepting the death, guilt), and behaviors (e.g., avoidance of reminders, spending time with deceased belonging). Because bereavement is a major stressor, it has been suggested that the grief reaction is associated with increased sympathetic activity. Salivary α-Amylase levels have been proposed to be a reliable non invasive biomarker of sympathetic activity. The present study aims to examine salivary α-Amylase reactivity to discussion of the death of a spouse in older adults, and the relationship between this reactivity and grief symptom severity.
METHODS: Participants were N=8 individuals who have lost a spouse within the last year (Mean(SD)age=72.8(7.5); 60% women); Mean(SD) time since death=10.6(2.5) months). Participants completed self-reported measures including the 19-item Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG; total score ranges 0-76; Prigerson et al. 1995). The Mean(SD) ICG score was 30.5(11.5). Saliva samples were collected using cotton swabs and Salivettes at four time points during the screen: right before discussion of the loss (T1), right after discussion of the loss (T2), before screening for psychiatric disorders (T3), and at the end of the screening (T4). Salivary α-Amylase samples were frozen and assayed using a kinetic enzyme assay kit specifically designed and validated for the kinetic measurement of salivary α-Amylase activity. A repeated measure ANOVA, with α-Amylase as the dependent variable, and time as the within subject repeated factor were conducted to examine differences in α-Amylase activity across time points. Further, we examined the association between rise in α-Amylase activity (change between T1 and T2) and ICG scores.
RESULTS: The ANOVA revealed a marginally significant main effect of time (F(3,20)=2.74, p=0.07), with α-Amylase activity being more elevated right after discussion of the loss (T2; Mean (SD)=194.9(79.4) µg/dL) compared to the other time points (T1: 140.00(77) µg/dL; T3: 140.5(56) µg/dL; T4: 143.0(70.3) µg/dL). Further, the rise in α-Amylase activity between T1 and T2, was marginally significantly associated with greater grief symptoms (r=0.69, p=0.08).
CONCLUSION: Our preliminary findings suggest that discussion of the loss of a spouse may increase salivary α-Amylase activity, reflecting a potential increase in sympathetic activity. Targeting loss-related sympathetic reactivity might be an interesting avenue to decrease grief related distress and impairment. Limitations for this study include a small sample size and the absence of a real control condition. Future research examining sympathetic activity in grief and its relationship with persistent complex bereavement disorder pathophysiology is warranted.
Date13 July 2017
CreatorsKing, Edward
Source SetsBoston University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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