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Procena efikasnosti laringealne maske u odnosu na endotrahealni tubus u zbrinjavanju disajnog puta u dečjoj otorinolaringološkoj hirurgiji / The assessment of the effectiveness of airway management in pediatric ENT surgery: laryngeal mask versus endotracheal tube

<p>Uvod: Adenoidektomija sa tonzilektomijom je najče&scaron;će indikovana hirur&scaron;ka intervencija u dečjem uzrastu. Intervencija se izvodi u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Endotrahealni tubus predstavlja &bdquo;zlatni standard&ldquo; za obezbeđenje disajnog puta u dečjoj otorinolaringolo&scaron;koj hirurgiji. Upotreba endotrahealnog tubusa nosi rizike od nastanka komplikacija koje se mogu javiti pri uvodu u op&scaron;tu anesteziju, u toku hirur&scaron;ke intervencije i nakon ekstubacije deteta. Učestalost komplikacija se može smanjiti upotrebom supraglotičnih sredstava. Fleksibilna laringealna maska spada u prvu generaciju supraglotičnih sredstava, koja omogućava zadovoljavajuću oksigenaciju i ventilaciju bolesnika u ORL hirurgiji. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi: efikasnost fleksibilne laringealne maske u za&scaron;titi disajnog puta od aspiracije krvi i sekreta gornjih disajnih puteva u odnosu na endotrahealni tubus u toku adenotonzilektomije; da li primena fleksibilne laringealne maske u zbrinjavanju disajnog puta u toku adenotonzilektomije utiče na učestalost postekstubacionih komplikacija u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom; da li zbrinjavanje disajnog puta fleksibilnom laringealnom maskom u toku adenotonzilektomije ima uticaj na intenzitet postoperativnog bola u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom; da li zbrinjavanje disajnog puta fleksibilnom laringealnom maskom u toku adenotonzilektomije ima uticaj na pojavu postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom. Metodologija: Prospektivnom, randomizovanom, studijom bilo je obuhvaćeno 160 dečaka i devojčica uzrasta od 3 do 8 godina planiranih za elektivnu hirur&scaron;ku intervenciju adenotonzilektomiju u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u dve grupe: 80 bolesnika kod kojih je disajni put bio obezbeđen endotrahealnim tubusum (ET grupa) i 80 bolesnika kod kojih je disajni put bio obezbeđen laringealnom maskom (LMA grupa). Na kraju hirur&scaron;ke intervencije, u obe grupe bolesnika, izvr&scaron;ena je provera prisustva krvi na larinksu i u traheji pomoću fiberoptičkog bronhoskopa. Postekstubacione respiratorne komplikacije vezane za upotrebu fleksibilne laringealne maske odnosno endotrahealnog tubusa (ka&scaron;alj, opstrukcija disajnog puta i laringospazam) bile su praćene neposredno nakon ekstubacije bolesnika. Procena postoperativnog bola bila je vr&scaron;ena pomoću Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale 2 i 4 sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije kao i prvog postoperativnog dana u 7 sati ujutro. Postojanje postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja bilo je utvrđivano heteroanamnestički, anketom roditelja, dan nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije u 7 sati ujutro. Statistička analiza izvr&scaron;ena je pomoću statističkog paketa Statistical Package for Social Sciences &ndash; SPSS 21. Podaci su predstavljeni tabelarno i grafički, a statistička značajnost je određivana na nivou p&lt;0.05. Rezultati: Ni kod jednog deteta iz ET odnosno LMA grupe bolesnika nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije fiberoptičkim bronhoskopom nije uočeno prisustvo krvi, sekreta niti regurgitiranog želudačnog sadržaja na larinksu odnosno u traheji. Bolesnici iz ET grupe su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;e komplikacija u odnosu na bolesnike iz LMA grupe (&chi;2=4.254; p=0.039; p &lt; 0.05). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u distribuciji bolesnika sa i bez respiratornih komplikacija izmeĊu ET i LMA grupe (&chi;2=3.413; p=0.065; p &gt; 0.05). U proceni postoperativnog bola FLACC skalom 2 sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije postoji statistički značajna razlika u intenzitetu postoperativnog bola kod bolesnika iz ET u odnosu na bolesnike iz LMA grupe (&chi;2=31.316; p=0.000; p&lt;0.05). Četiri sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije, statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e bolesnika sa umerenim bolom u ET grupi u odnosu na LMA grupu (&chi;2=40.705; p=0.000; p&lt;0.05). Na dan otpusta, statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e bolesnika sa blagim diskomforom u ET grupi bolesnika u odnosu na LMA grupu (&chi;2=8,012; p=0,005; p &lt; 0.05). U LMA grupi bolesnika jedan ili 1.49% bolesnika je imao postoperativnu mučninu i povraćanje, dok je u ET grupi troje ili 3.56% bolesnika imalo postoperativnu mučninu i povraćanje. Zaključak: Fleksibilna laringealna maska pruža podjednaku za&scaron;titu distalnih delova disajnog puta od krvi i sekreta tokom adenotonzilektomije kao i endotrahealni tubus. Učestalost postoperativnih komplikacija i intenzitet postoperativnog bola su manji kada se za obezbeđenje disajnog puta u toku adenotonzilektomije koristi fleksibilna laringealna maska. Primenom fleksibilne laringealne maske smanjuje se učestalost postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja u toku adenotonzilektomije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Adenoidectomy with tonsillectomy is the most indicated surgery in childhood. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Endotracheal tube represents the &bdquo;gold standard&ldquo; for airway management in paediatric ENT surgery. The use of endotracheal tube carries the risk of complications that may occur during the induction of general anesthesia, during the surgery and after extubation of the child. The frequency of complications may be reduced by the use of supraglottic airway devices. Flexible laryngeal mask is first generation of supraglottic airway devices, which allows sufficient oxygenation and ventilation of patients in ENT surgery. Aims: To determine the effectiveness of the flexible laryngeal mask which protectes the airway from aspiration of blood and secretions of the upper airways compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube during adenotonsillectomy; to determine does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy affects the frequency of post extubation complications compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube, as wll as does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy has an impact on the intensity of postoperative pain compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube, and does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy has an impact on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube. Methodology: One hundred and sixty boys and girls aged from 3 to 8 years scheduled for elective surgical intervention adenotnosillectomy in general anaesthesia were included in this prospective, randomized study. Patients were divided into two groups: 80 patients in whom the airway was managed with a cuffed endotracheal tube (ET group) and 80 patients in whom airway was managed with a laryngeal mask (LMA group). At the end of surgical procedure, in both groups of patients, fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed to verify the presence of blood in the larynx and trachea. Immediate respiratory complications associated with the use of flexible laryngeal mask or endotracheal tube (cough, airway obstruction and laryngospasm) were monitored following extubation of patients. Postoperative pain assessment was performed using Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale 2 and 4 hours following surgery as well as the first postoperative day at 7 o&#39;clock a.m. The presence of postoperative nausea and vomiting was confirmed heteroanamnestically by polling the parents the day after surgery at 7 o&#39;clock a.m. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS version 21. The data were presented in tables and graphs, statystical significance was set at p value of less than 0.05. Results: Following surgery there were no any patient in ET or LMA group in which the presence of blood, secretion or regurgitated stomach contents on larynx or in the trachea could be observed by using the fiberoptic bronchoscope. Patients in the ET group had statistically more significant complications compared to patients in the LMA group (&chi;2 = 4.254; p = 0.039; p &lt;0.05). There is no statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients with and without respiratory complications between ET and LMA groups (&chi;2 = 3.413; p = 0.065; p&gt; 0.05). In the assessment of postoperative pain using FLACC scale 2 hours following surgical intervention, there is a statistically significant difference in the intensity of postoperative pain in ET patients compared to patients in the LMA group (&chi;2 = 31.316, p = 0.000, p &lt;0.05). Four hours following surgical intervention, a statistically significant number of patients had mild pain in the ET group compared to the LMA group (&chi;2 = 40.705; p = 0.000; p &lt;0.05). On the day of release, statistically significant numbers of patients with mild discomfort in the ET group were compared to the LMA group (&chi;2 = 8,012; p = 0,005; p &lt;0.05). In the LMA group, one or 1.49% of the patients had postoperative nausea and vomiting, while in the ET group, three or 3.56% of the patients had postoperative nausea and vomiting. Conclusion: Flexible laryngeal mask provides equal protection of the distal parts of airway from the blood and secretions during adenotonsillectomy as the endotracheal tube. The frequency of postoperative complications and the intensity of postoperative pain are smaller when a flexible laryngeal mask is used for airway management during adenotonsillectomy. The usage of the flexible laryngeal mask reduces the frequency of postoperative nausea and vomiting during adenotonsillectomy.</p>
Date25 September 2017
CreatorsDolinaj Vladimir
ContributorsGvozdenović Ljiljana, Drašković Biljana, Vicković Sanja, Lemajić-Komazec Slobodanka, Tatić Milanka, Simić Dušica
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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