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Computational intelligence for safety assurance of cooperative systems of systems

Yes / Cooperative Systems of Systems (CSoS) including
Autonomous systems (AS), such as autonomous cars and related
smart traffic infrastructures form a new technological frontier
for their enormous economic and societal potentials in various
domains. CSoS are often safety-critical systems, therefore, they
are expected to have a high level of dependability. Due to the
open and adaptive nature of the CSoS, the conventional methods
used to provide safety assurance for traditional systems cannot
be applied directly to these systems. Potential configurations and
scenarios during the evolving operation are infinite and cannot
be exhaustively analysed to provide guarantees a priori. This
paper presents a novel framework for dynamic safety assurance
of CSoS, which integrates design time models and runtime
techniques to provide continuous assurance for a CSoS and its
systems during operation. / Dependability Engineering Innovation for Cyber Physical Systems (DEIS) H2020 Project under Grant 732242.
Date29 March 2021
CreatorsKabir, Sohag, Papadopoulos, Y.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeArticle, Accepted manuscript
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