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Electroweak radiative B-decays as a test of the Standard Model and beyond

Recently the radiative B-decay to strange axial-vector mesons, B--> K1(1270) gamma, was observed with a rather large branching ratio. This process is particularly interesting as the subsequent K1-decay into its three-body final state allows us to determine the polarization of the photon, which is mostly left(right)-handed for Bbar(B) in the Standard Model while various new physics models predict additional right(left)-handed components. In this thesis, a new method is proposed to determine the polarization, exploiting the full Dalitz plot distribution, which seems to reduce significantly the statistical errors on the polarization parameter lambda_gamma measurement.This polarization measurement requires, however a detailed knowledge of the K1--> K pi pi strong interaction decays, namely, the complex pattern of the various partial wave amplitudes into several possible quasi-two-body channels as well as their relative phases. A number of experiments have been done to extract all these information while there remain various problems in the previous studies. In this thesis, we investigate the details of these problems. As a theoretical tool, we use the 3P0 quark-pair-creation model in order to improve our understanding of strong K1 decays.Finally we try to estimate some theoretical uncertainties: in particular, the one coming from the uncertainty on the K1 mixing angle, and the effect of a possible ''off-set'' phase in strong decay S-waves. According to our estimations, the systematic errors are found to be of the order of sigma(lambda_gamma)^th<20%. On the other hand, we discuss the sensitivity of the future experiments, namely the SuperB factories and LHCb, to lambda_gamma. Naively estimating the annual signal yields, we found the statistical error of the new method to be sigma(lambda_gamma)^stat<10% which turns out to be reduced by a factor 2 with respect to using the simple angular distribution.We also discuss a comparison to the other methods of the polarization measurement using processes, such as B--> K* e^+ e^-, Bd--> K* gamma and Bs--> phi gamma, for the determination of the ratio of the Wilson coefficients C7gamma^'eff/C7gamma^eff. We show an example of the potential constraints on C7gamma^'eff/C7gamma^eff. in several scenarios of supersymmetric models.
Date05 October 2011
CreatorsTayduganov, Andrey
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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