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Il Gravettiano dell'Italia tirrenica nel contesto mediterraneo: definizione delle strategie di insediamento e mobilità attraverso lo studio delle materie prime e delle industrie litiche

The Gravettian is the second chrono-cultural complex of the Upper Paleolithic after the Aurignacian. The Gravettian diffusion, throughout Europe, took place in a short span of time between 30.000 and 20.000 years BP. During this period, the climate instability due to the LGM approach created different environments. Particularly, Italy was split in two regions separated by the Apennine mountains: the cold and arid Adriatic coast on the first hand and the more temperate Tyrrhenian coast on the other hand. The latter region is the main object of this research. With the aim to understand the development and the mobility strategies used by the Gravettian groups in this area, several lithic assemblages have been analyzed. Specifically, the Gravettian sequence of Riparo Mochi (Balzi Rossi, Liguria - Italy), providing one of the most important stratigraphy of the Italian Upper Paleolithic, has been entirely studied. Inside the Balzi Rossi archaeological complex a direct comparison has been provided by the Gravettian collection of Grotta dei Faniculli. Moreover, some other smaller collections coming from the Provence area have been studied, allowing a comparison with the Balzi Rossi area. Finally, the site of Bilancino located in Tuscany let to contextualize the Gravettian between the liguro-provençal arc and Italy. The relation between techno-typological aspects and the raw materials provenance gives important advances in our comprehension of the behavior of the hunter-gatherer groups who inhabited the sites, discussing the timing and territorial mobility of the Tyrrhenian Gravettian.
Date January 2016
CreatorsSantaniello, Fabio
ContributorsSantaniello, Fabio, Grimaldi, Stefano
PublisherUniversità degli studi di Trento, place:TRENTO
Source SetsUniversità di Trento
Detected LanguageEnglish
Relationfirstpage:1, lastpage:444, numberofpages:444

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