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Confessional theology? : a critical analysis of the theology of Karl Barth and its significance for the Belhar confession

Thesis (D. Th.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Christian confessions are frequently seen as Christian documents that have
nothing to do with the subject of politics. This study endeavours to investigate
the relationship between Christian confessions and politics, looking particularly
at how the relationship between them has been construed in the theology of Karl
Barth, the Barmen Declaration and the Belhar Confession. It concludes that a
relationship between confession and politics is unavoidable, yet this relationship
is only best comprehended when one looks at it in a confessional manner.
A ‘confessional manner’ of reading Karl Barth’s theology is explained.
Issues such as the primacy of the Word of God, the church as the subject of
theology, the public witness of Christ to the world, the political context in which
this theology takes place, as well as the ethical implications which emanates from
this theology characterises confessional theology.
The usage of the concept “confession” is informed by Barth’s observation
that as Christians we are obliged to speak about God, but we are human beings
and therefore cannot speak about God in an manner that suggest that God is
fully comprehensible. By confining itself not merely to his monumental work –
the Church Dogmatics – but also to Barth’s preceding and succeeding works, this
research is able to render a detailed illustration of how Barth viewed the
relationship of confessions to politics.
Chapter 1 establishes the confessional nature of his theology. This chapter
traces the most influential people and events that shaped the confessional nature
of Barth’s theology. These include Luther, Kant, the Blumhardts, as well as
Calvin and the Reformed theology in particular.
Chapter 2 investigates whether Barth was true to his 1925 understanding
of what constituted a Reformed confession when he was confronted with the
need to confess in 1934. The historicity of the Barmen Theological Declaration is explored to illustrate that Barth continued to view theology in a confessional
Chapter 3 deals with Barth’s Church Dogmatics, illustrating that Barth
never wanted his work to be seen as a complete event, but preferred to see it as a
process. It argues that contrary to the 1930s where Barth’s theology insisted on
the essence of confessional theology, the entire Church Dogmatics (especially the
parts that proceeds the era indicated) should be read as confessional theology.
Chapter 4 deals with the Belhar Confession that was adopted in South
African in 1986. Admitting that the Belhar Confession was influenced by the
theology of Barth, the characteristics of confessional theology are also explored in
this Confession. It is argued that many have failed to see the Belhar Confession’s
call for embodiment, because they have interpreted this Confession without
regard for the new church order.
Finally, it is argued that the confessional nature of Belhar allows this
Confession to contribute positively to the current democratic dispensation in
South Africa. It is admitted that the Belhar Confession is a confession of its time
It is also argued that a confessional theology can be a suitable theological
alternative that can contribute to the current theological deliberations.
Additionally a confessional theology can provide a platform of discussing ways
in which theology and politics, which remain intertwined, can both exist side by
side, without the one dictating to the other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Christelike belydenisse word dikwels beskou as Christelike verklarings wat geen
verband met die politiek het nie. Gevolglik is daar 'n neiging om hierdie
dokumente bloot te sien as teologies maar nie polities nie. Hierdie navorsing
bespreek dié siening, maar voer aan dat, hoewel hierdie dokumente nie as
sodanig polities is nie, ons tog nie die politieke kontekste waaruit hulle
voortspruit, kan ignoreer nie. Twee belydenisse word gebruik om hierdie punt te
illustreer, naamlik die Barmen Teologiese Verklaring (1934) in Nazi-Duitsland,
en die Belharbelydenis (1986) gedurende die apartheidsregering in Suid-Afrika.
Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat daar in die teologie van Karl
Barth én die Belhar Belydenis 'n onvermydelike verhouding tussen die
Christelike belydenis en politiek bestaan. Die woord ”belydenis” word hier in
verband gebring met Barth se interpretasie van die opdrag om oor God te praat
uit hoofde van ons Christelike oortuigings, en ons onvermoë om oor God te
praat weens ons menslike feilbaarheid. Hiervolgens is belydende teologie gekant
teen neigings om oor God te praat op 'n manier wat voorgee dat God in sy
volheid aan ons bekend is.
Vyf opsigtelike kenmerke in die teologie van Barth word ondersoek.
Hierdie kenmerke illustreer die mate waartoe teologie en politiek aan mekaar
verwant is, en dat politiek altyd in Barth se teologie geïmpliseer word. Die studie
voer ook aan dat Barth se teologie relevant is omdat dit probeer om die Woord
op 'n ander manier te interpreteer na aanleiding van die spesifieke konteks
waarbinne daar oor God gepraat word. Die studie beweer verder dat Barth se
hele teologie as belydende teologie gelees moet word. Die gevolgtrekking word
gemaak dat belydende teologie verskil van “konfessionalisme” en altyd die
beliggaming van dít wat bely word, impliseer. Deur hierdie kenmerke van
belydende teologie in die teologie van Barth waar te neem, word daar besef dat
sy teologie steeds ‘n deurslaggewende rol in ander teologiese kontekste speel.
Om hierdie rede word daar aangevoer dat die Belharbelydenis grootliks deur die teologie van Barth beïnvloed is. Die debat oor die Belharbelydenis bring ook
belangrike vrae oor die teologiese situasie in Suid-Afrika na vore.
Ten slotte word daar aangevoer dat belydende teologie 'n nuttige teologie
is wat teologie in die algemeen kan beskerm teen die kloue van “geteologiseerde
politiek”. Hierdie teologie kan dus steeds 'n konstruktiewe bydrae tot die
huidige teologiese debatte in 'n demokratiese Suid-Afrika lewer.
Date10 1900
CreatorsTshaka, Rothney Stok
ContributorsSmit, Dirk, Koopman, Nico, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format302 leaves
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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