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Towards Understanding How Human Aspects Affect Requirements Prioritization

Background and Motivation. Requirements engineering is decision intensiveand involves many roles and stakeholders. As humans are often subjective in theirdecision-making and biased by subjective criteria, we are interested in exploring howthis impacts requirements prioritization. Each requirements prioritization techniquehas its advantages and limitations to use on software products for single/multiplepurposes in the software field. Understanding how human aspects affect requirementsprioritization remains greatly unexplored. Objectives. This thesis aims to understand how human factors impact requirementsprioritization. The primary goal is to address and understand the various human as-pects that affect people when they make decisions. The secondary goal is to identifyvarious human aspects that receive more attention while prioritizing requirements. Methods. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and survey were chosen as the re-search methods for this thesis. A snowballing method was used to extract empiricalresearch papers that were used for implementing the survey questionnaire. Each em-pirical paper from snowballing method has identified some human aspects throughone or more prioritization techniques and prioritization criteria. Using these humanaspects as input a survey questionnaire is designed for gaining insights on occur-rences/experiences of these human aspects in a large organization of Agile practi-tioners. Results. From the literature review, we identified 21 papers through the snow-balling method. And we identified more than two human aspects from each SLRpaper that impact requirements prioritization that were grouped into 11 categories.We also discovered many requirements prioritization techniques and their criteriawhere we included the top 15 RP techniques, 11 human aspects, and 17 RP cri-teria in the web-based survey questionnaire that were extracted through the SLRapproach. Our survey respondents considered the human aspects as very importantare Domain Knowledge of Individuals/ Stakeholders/ Analysts; Ability to consid-er/understand multiple perspectives; Ability to build/reach Consensus; Cognitiveskills and Limitations; Group Cohesion/ Team Maturity; and Accept Diversity as-pects as having the largest impact when prioritizing requirements. We have alsodiscovered that Emotions/ Emotional Cohesion which is also rated by the surveyrespondents as very important and is having the least impact as a human aspectwhen prioritizing requirements. Conclusions. Our study focus on the human aspects in requirements prioritizationmethod, the actual human aspects are least graded and human behavior that is con-sidered as an human aspect is highly graded by the practitioners in the survey. So aclear map is needed to identify the human aspect bias for requirements prioritizationand the results of this study can be helpful to all the researchers who want to carryour research on requirements prioritization in relation with human aspects.
Date January 2022
PublisherBlekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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