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Gesinsgehardheid in gesinne waarin 'n kind oorlede is

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A child’s death represents a traumatic loss, which can be understood as a crisis impacting on the
family as a functioning unit. The purpose of the current study was to investigate grief and resilience
in families in which a child has died, while specifically focusing on the internal resistance resource
of family hardiness. A cross-sectional research design was implemented concurrently with intensive
interviews conducted according to the principles of grounded theory. In total, 35 bereaved parents
from the Western Cape participated in the study as representatives of 23 families. The participants
each completed three questionnaires, a biographical questionnaire, the Family Hardiness Index and
the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8. Pearson and Spearman correlational analyses
indicated significant positive correlations between family hardiness scores (including scores on the
subscales for commitment, challenge and control) and family adaptation (measured by use of the
Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8). Significant associations were also found between
certain biographical variables and family hardiness. Intensive interviews were, furthermore,
conducted with participants representing 12 different families. The analysis of interviewtranscriptions
resulted in the formulation of various thematic categories, such as grief-reactions,
continuing bonds, external support, religion, as well as the core category of family hardiness. A
grounded theory was thus developed concerning grief and resilience in families in which a child has
died. The results of the study reveal the importance of qualitative methods to explore the unique
experiences of bereaved parents and families with the purpose of constructing applied interventions
on the family level. The family hardiness concept was also clarified and shown to be a possible
resistance resource conducive to family adaptation following the loss of a child. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dood van `n kind is `n traumatiese verlies, wat beskou kan word as `n krisis wat `n impak het op
die gesin as `n funksionerende eenheid. Die doelwit van die huidige studie was om verdriet en
veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is, te ondersoek, met `n spesifieke fokus op die
interne weerstandsbron van gesinsgehardheid. `n Dwars-snit opname navorsingsontwerp is gebruik
in oorleg met intensiewe onderhoude, wat volgens die beginsels van gegronde teorie gevoer is. In
totaal is 35 ouers, woonagtig in die Wes-Kaap, betrek by die studie, wat opgetree het as verteenwoordigers
van 23 gesinne. Die deelnemers het elk drie vraelyste voltooi, naamlik `n biografiese
vraelys, die Gesinsgehardheid Indeks en die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8.
Pearson en Spearman korrelasie-berekeninge het aangedui dat gesinsgehardheid-tellings (asook die
tellings op die subskale vir toewyding, uitdaging en beheer) beduidend positief korreleer met
gesinsaanpassing (gemeet met die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8). Beduidende
verhoudings is ook gevind tussen sekere biografiese veranderlikes en gesinsgehardheid. Verder is
intensiewe onderhoude gevoer met die verteenwoordigers van 12 gesinne. Die ontleding van
onderhoud-transkripsies het gelei tot die formulering van verskeie tematiese kategorieë, naamlik
verdriet-reaksies, die voortdurende verbintenis, eksterne ondersteuning en godsdiens, asook die
kern-kategorie van gesinsgehardheid. `n Gegronde teorie is sodoende ontwikkel, wat betrekking het
op verdriet en veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is. Die resultate van die studie wys
op die belang van kwalitatiewe metodes om die uniekheid van bedroefde ouers en gesinne se
ervarings te verken met die doel om gepaste intervensies op gesinsvlak te ontwikkel. Die konsep
van gesinsgehardheid is ook verhelder en aangedui as `n moontlike weerstandsbron, wat
bevorderlik is vir gesinne se aanpassing ná die verlies van `n kind.
Date12 1900
CreatorsScheepers, Lucas Johannes
ContributorsGreeff, A. P., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format177 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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