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Developing edutainment principles and practices for audio-visual representations of Biblical books

Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the study is to develop a model and to establish certain principles for
writing a script treatment (personal pictures) of a book of the Bible. Personal pictures can be
identified as the most important component of the production (filmic creation) and marketing
(promulgation) processes of a fully dramatised audio-visual representation of a biblical book.
The study deals primarily with personal pictures.
Changes in the communication and perception of biblical content are investigated. The study
focuses mainly on the dissemination of such content through audio-visual Bible products (end
The study contends that audio-visual Bible communications for children and adults should have
an educational foundation. The other main dimension of all audio-visual Bible is the
entertainment it provides to viewers (patrons). The educational and entertainment facets of end
products are described here as edutainment. It is important for end products to have edutainment
value as perceived by socio-economically diverse peoples, of both Christian and non-Christian
(non-religious) persuasions.
Aspects which can contribute to the edutainment value of fully dramatised audio-visual Bible
products are expounded. An audio-visual model, which defines the basis for the filmic creation
and promulgation of an end product, is explained and its elements described. The determinants of
the filmic creation and promulgation processes, some of which have a greater educational impact
and some which have a greater entertainment impact, are explicated. An important factor is to
involve patrons in the filmic creation and promulgation processes, and to help them to feel part of
these processes.
Writing the personal pictures of a Bible book is investigated. A personal pictures model is put
forward to explain how the personal pictures can be written. A variety of guidelines to help the
writer (owner) write the personal pictures of a book are presented. These guidelines deal with
aspects such as writing the narrative, selecting the context of the storytelling, gathering and using
background information, using enhancement factors, and implementing requirements of the users.
The personal pictures already written of two Bible books are assessed. An explanation is given
of why the books of Ruth and Hebrews, one from the Old and one from the New Testament, are
chosen for such assessment. These personal pictures are found to be deficient and new personal
pictures are written for both books, using the model and guidelines given.
An empirical survey is undertaken of the personal pictures of one of the two books assessed,
namely Ruth. The analysis of the empirical research finds that the respondents are able to
visualise a film of Ruth with edutainment value after reading the personal pictures. The results of
the survey point to the importance of both the educational and entertainment aspects in end
products. Some further valuable deductions can be made from the study:
Audio-visual Bible products are beneficial to convey biblical content to patrons.
A model and guidelines are presented for writing good quality personal pictures.
Patrons can profitably be engaged in the filmic creation and promulgation processes of fully
dramatised audio-visual Bible products.
A few constraints have been encountered which have a limiting effect on the study. The study
highlights a number of important areas which can be further researched. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van die studie is om sekere riglyne neer te Ie vir die skryf van 'n draaiboeksinopsis
of visuele voorstelling ("personal pictures") van 'n Bybelboek. "Personal pictures" van 'n
Bybelboek is waarskynlik die belangrikste komponent van die vervaardigings- en
verspreidingsprosesse van 'n volledig-gedrarnatiseerde oudio-visuele weergawe van so 'n boek.
Die studie handel hoofsaaklik oor "personal pictures".
Veranderinge in die kommunikasie en in die begrip van die inhoud van die Bybel word
ondersoek. Die studie fokus hoofsaaklik op die uitdra van die inhoud van Bybelboeke deur
middel van oudio-visuele Bybelprodukte.
Die studie toon aan dat oudio-visuele Bybelkommunikasie vir kinders en volwassenes 'n
opvoedkundige grondslag het of behoort te he. Die ander belangrike grondslag van 'n oudiovisuele
Bybel is die vermaaklikheidsaspek. Die opvoedkundige en vermaaklikheidsfasette van
oudio-visuele Bybelprodukte word hierin beskryf as opvoedkundige vermaak ("edutainment").
Dit is belangrik dat oudio-visuele Bybelprodukte "edutainment'' verskaf aan uiteenlopende sosio-
. ekonomiese groepe van sowel Christel ike as nie-Christelike oortuiging.
Sekere aspekte word verduidelik wat die waarde van "edutainment" in gedramatiseerde oudiovisuele
Bybelprodukte kan verhoog. 'n Oudio-visuele model, wat die grondbeginsels vir die
vervaardiging en verspreiding van so 'n Bybelproduk uiteensit, word verskaf en die onderskeie
beginsels word gedefinieer. Die bepalende faktore in die vervaardigings- en
verspreidingsprosesse, waarvan sornmige 'n groter opvoedkundige en ander 'n groter
vermaaklikheidsimpak het, word uitgewys. 'n Belangrike faktor is dat verbruikers by die
vervaardigings- en verspreidingsprosesse betrek word, en op 'n wyse wat hulle dee I van hierdie
prosesse laat voel.
Hoe om "personal pictures" van 'n Bybelboek te skryf, word ondersoek. 'n "Personal
pictures"- model word aangebied, asook 'n verskeidenheid riglyne vir die skryfvan die "personal
pictures" van 'n boek. Hierdie riglyne omvat aspekte soos die storielyn, die keuse van die
konteks waarin die storie afspeel, die inwin en gebruik van agtergrondinligting, die gebruik van
effekte wat die storie bevorder, en die toepassing van spesifieke vereistes van die
Die "personal pictures" wat reeds van twee Bybelboeke bestaan, word beoordeel. 'n
Verduideliking word gegee waarom Rut en Hebreers, boeke uit onderskeidelik die Ou en die
Nuwe Testament, vir so 'n evaluering gekies is. Hierdie "personal pictures" word as
ontoereikend bevind, en nuwe "personal pictures" word vir beide boeke geskryf deur van die
genoemde model en riglyne gebruik te maak.
'n Empiriese ondersoek word gedoen om die "personal pictures" van een van die twee boeke,
naamlik Rut, te evalueer. In die ontleding van die empiriese ondersoek word bevind dat
respondente in staat is om 'n film van Rut met "edutainment"-waarde te visualiseer, nadat hulle die "personal pictures" gelees het. Die resultate van die ondersoek wys op die belangrikheid van
die opvoedkundige sowel as die vermaaklikheidsaspekte van oudio-visuele Bybelprodukte.
Die volgende verdere waardevolle afleidings word uit die studie gemaak:
Die inhoud van Bybelboeke kan met vrug deur middel van oudio-visuele Bybelprodukte
oorgedra word.
Goeie kwaliteit "personal pictures" kan geskryf word deur gebruik te maak van die
voorgestelde model en riglyne.
Dit kan voordelig wees om verbruikers by die vervaardigings- en verspreidingsprosesse van
gedramatiseerde oudio-visuele produkte van die Bybel te betrek.
Die faktore wat 'n beperkende uitwerking op die studie gehad het, word aangetoon. Die studie lig
'n aantal belangrike areas uit vir verdere navorsing.
Date12 1900
CreatorsRobertson, Charles Kenneth
ContributorsRoux, C. D., Cornelius, I., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format211, 94 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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