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Mezináboženský dialog a bioetika / Interreligious dialogue and bioethics

The diploma thesis deals with the topic of interreligious dialogue and bioethics. The thesis analyses ethical context of specific biomedical issues, namely euthanasia, abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic stem cells research viewed through the eyes of three world monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Sacred books, published documents and further available sources are used to explain the approach of those religions to the bioethical issues (answering the questions of why and how these religions approach the issues). The aim of the theoretical piece of work is to show observed differences and similarities. At the beginning of the thesis there is a general description of the religions in the context of medical ethics. It briefly characterizes religious beliefs and shows documents which these ethical beliefs are based on. The work shows differences but also common features of monotheistic religions. After the religions are discussed in general there is a chapter focused exclusively on interreligious dialogue. The thesis stresses out the importance of an open discussion between religions which leads to unity and reconciliation. Interreligious dialogue represents openness to unknown and willingness to a discussion. It is not possible not to mention a project called Global Ethic by a Swiss professor of theology Hans Küng, who is thoroughly interested in an interreligious dialogue mentioned above. Further chapters of the diploma thesis deal with specific bioethical questions and with the approach of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to these questions. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the issue of euthanasia followed by abortions, assisted reproduction and finally by embryonic stem cells research. The knowledge gained by studying the available sources shows that out of the listed bioethical issues world religions are mostly uniform in the opinion on euthanasia. All the monotheistic religions refer to untouchability and sanctity of human life from its beginning to natural death. It is only God who is a creator and possessor of all creation. That is why euthanasia and assisted suicide is seen negatively and at a distance as an act which does not belong to the hands of man. In 2005 the representatives of the three monotheistic religions in the Czech Republic signed a document in which they express their common negative attitude to the issue of euthanasia. Contrary to the opinion expressing agreement on the end of human life, which is seen by all the religions as the moment of natural death, there is a non-uniform opinion on its beginning. The differences in opinions of Christians, Jews and Muslims on the beginning of human life shape their attitude to abortions, assisted reproductions and also to embryonic stem cells research. In Christianity human life begins at the moment of conception and therefore from ethical point of view it has the most controversial attitude to such medical techniques. The life of the mother is valued in the same way as the life of the fetus. In Judaism an embryo has got lower status than an unborn child, therefore this religion has a slightly more benevolent attitude than Christianity. However, certain boundaries which are discussed below must be followed. In Islam the point crucial for the questions of abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic cell stems research is when a soul is breathed into a fetus. It is only after this moment when embryo gains the status of a human person and therefore becomes untouchable. Islam and Judaism have a less strict attitude to the bioethical issues (except for euthanasia) than Christianity. The diploma thesis presents a review of opinions and values of certain monotheistic religions on bioethics issues with the concentration on interreligious dialogue. It brings an overview of similarities and differences in ethical opinions.
Date January 2013
CreatorsRODKOVÁ, Iveta
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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