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The effects of land use changes on the distribution of forest dependent bird species in South Africa

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Forests in South Africa have had a long history of human utilization and disturbance, and are under threat from a variety of anthropogenic land use changes. Foremost of these are deforestation and forest degradation, impacting the species native to these forests. The aims of this study were to determine changes in the distribution of forest dependent bird species according to the South African Bird Atlas Project; to relate these changes to changes in land-use; to identify links between these changes; to determine the extent, location and causes of the decline of each forest dependent bird species; and to identify current risks to forest dependent bird species in South Africa. Range data on 57 forest dependent bird species from SABAP1 (1987-1992) and SABAP2 (2007-present) were analyzed. Of these, 28 species were found to have declining ranges. Thirty sites across South Africa were identified as being most at risk, with all having experienced a loss of more than 10 of the 57 forest dependent bird species between SABAP1 and SABAP2. The range change data of the 28 species with decreasing ranges were correlated with data on changes in land cover over the same time period to infer relationships between changes in land use and change in bird ranges. Occupancy modelling was done to determine which land cover types affect extinction and initial presence. Individual species characteristics were analyzed to determine links between characteristics and response to land use change. A pan-European trait-based risk assessment framework was applied to all 57 species to identify habitats and species most at risk, as well as the most important threats to species persistence. Results showed that natural vegetation decreased in 67% of sites, while plantations and cultivation increased in 50% of sites. Occupancy modelling showed extinction likelihood to increase with plantations in some species, while plantations mitigated extinction likelihood in other species. Urbanization and cultivation likewise mitigated extinction likelihood in some species. Natural vegetation was replaced by cultivation, while cultivation was replaced by urbanization. The number of species lost increased with a loss of natural vegetation. Twenty two of the thirty sites experienced deforestation of indigenous forests between 2000 and 2013/2014; changes in natural vegetation in these sites can be attributed primarily to deforestation, and a loss of plantations. While most at-risk sites were in the Eastern Cape, there was no geographic grouping of species loss or of land use change. Most species lost were birds of prey or insectivores, and species characteristics and habitat preferences determined the sites from which they were lost. The Cape parrot (Poicephalus robustus), rufous-chested sparrowhawk (Accipiter rufiventris) and the migratory Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) suffered the largest declines in range size and are thought to be most at risk. Montane forests were found to be more at risk than other forest types. The major risks facing montane forests were increased abundance of small predators, increased fire suppression, increased soil management, removal of deadwood and reduced diversity of tree species. These threats are all products of plantation forestry and local harvesting. Nesting risk was higher than foraging risk for all species, indicating that nesting habitat should be better preserved. Half of South Africa’s forest dependent bird species have declining ranges, with the loss of these species most prominent in the Eastern Cape. Natural vegetation loss, comprising mostly recent deforestation; increased cultivation and urbanization; and changes in plantation cover are thought to be the main factors determining these declines. Montane forests in particular should be better protected to preserve forest dependent species, and the negative effects of plantation forestry and local harvesting should be mitigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het ‘n lang geskiedenis van woude wat deur mense gebruik, asook vernietig word. Woude word bedreig deur verskeie menslike grondgebruike en veranderinge. Die mees vooraanstaande van die bedreigings is ontbossing en woud verdunning, wat ‘n invloed het op inheemse spesies in die woude. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om veranderinge in die verspreiding van bos-afhanklike voëlspesies vas te stel volgens die Suid Afrikaanse Voël Atlas Projek; om hierdie veranderinge te verband met veranderinge in grondgebruik; om verbande tussen hierdie veranderinge te identifiseer; om die mate, die plek en die oorsake van die agteruitgang van elke bos-afhanklike voëlspesies te bepaal; en om huidige risiko's aan die bos afhanklik voëlspesies in Suid-Afrika te identifiseer. Trefwydte inligting oor 57 woud afhanklike voëlspesies van SABAP1 (1987-1992) en SABAP2 (2007-nou) was geanaliseer. Daar was gevind dat vanuit die spesies, het 28 ‘n afneming in trefwydte ervaar. Dertig terreine in Suid-Afrika was uitgeken as dié met die hoogste risiko, met ‘n verlies van meer as 10 van die 57 woud afhanklike voëlspesies tussen SABAP1 en SABAP2. Die trefwydte inligting van die 28 spesies met ‘n afnemende trefwydte was gekorreleer met inligting oor veranderinge in grond bedekking oor dieselfde tydperk om verhoudings tussen veranderinge in grond gebruik en veranderinge in voël trefwydtes aftelei. Besetting modellering was gedoen om te bepaal watter tipes grond bedekking beinvloed uitwissing en aanvanklike teenwoordigheid. Kenmerke van individuele spesies is ontleed om verbande tussen kenmerke en reaksie op verandering in grondgebruik te bepaal. ‘n Pan-Europese eienskap gebaseerde risiko-analise raamwerk is toegepas op die 57 spesies om die spesies en habitatte met die grootse risiko te identifiseer, asook die belangrikste bedreigings vir spesies-volharding. Die resultate het gewys dat natuurlike plantegroei het verminder in 67% van terreine, terwyl plantasie en verbouing vermeerder het in 50% van terreine. Besetting-modellering het gewys dat waarskynlikheid van uitwissing vermeerder met plantasies in sommige spesies, terwyl plantasies die waarskynlikheid van uitwissing verminder het in ander spesies. Verstedeliking en verbouing het ook die waarskynlikheid van uitwissing verminder in sommige spesies. Natuurlike plantegroei was vervang deur verbouing, terwyl verbouing vervang is deur verstedeliking. Die aantal spesies verlies het vermeerder met die vermindering van natuurlike plantegroei. Twee en twintig van die dertig terreine het ontbossing van inheemse woude ervaar tussen 2000 en 2013/2014. Veranderinge in natuurlike plantegroei in die terreine is meestal as gevolg van ontbossing, en ‘n vermindering van plantasies. Terwyl meeste van die hoë risiko terreine in die Oos-Kaap was, was daar geen geografiese groepering van spesies vermindering of grondgebruik veranderinge nie. Meeste spesies wat vernietig is was roofvoëls of insectivore, en spesies kenmerke en habitat voorkeure het die terreine bepaal waaruit hulle verloor is. Die grootpapegaai (Poicephalus robustus), rooiborssperwer (Accipiter rufiventris) en die trekvoël Europese wielewaal (Oriolus oriolus) het die grootste vermindering in trefwydte grootte ervaar, en is vermoedelik die grootste risiko. Bergwoude was gevind om meer in gevaar te wees as ander woud tipes. Die grootste risikos wat bergwoude beïnvloed het was ‘n toenemende hoeveelheid klein roofdiere, verhoogde vuur onderdrukking, verhoogde grondbestuur, verwydering van dooie hout, en verlaagde diversiteit van boomspesies. Hierdie bedreigings is almal as gevolg van plantasie bosbou en plaaslike oes. Nes-risiko was hoër as kos soek risiko vir alle spesies, wat aandui dat nes-habitat beter bewaar moet word. Die helfte van Suid-Afrika se woud-afhanklike-voëlspesies het dalende trefwydtes, met die verlies van hierdie spesies mees opvallend in die Oos-Kaap. Die verlies van natuurlike plantegroei, as gevolg van onlangse ontbossing; verhoogde verbouing en verstedeliking; en veranderinge in plantasie bedekking is vermoedelik die hooffaktore wat die vermindering van voëlspesies veroorsaak. Veral bergwoude moet beter beskerm word om woud-afhanklike-voëlspesies te bewaar en die negatiewe invloede van plantasiebosbou en plaaslike oes te verminder.
Date12 1900
CreatorsCooper, Tessa June Groves
ContributorsCherry, Michael I., Wannenburgh, Andrew, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Botany and Zoology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format132 pages : illustrations, maps
RightsStellenbosch University

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