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Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Multi-Variable Bilinear Stochastic Systems with Stochastic Coupling Attenuation

Yes / In this technical note, stochastic coupling attenuation is investigated for a class of multi-variable bilinear stochastic systems and a novel output feedback m-block backstepping controller with linear estimator is designed, where gradient descent optimization is used to tune the design parameters of the controller. It has been shown that the trajectories of the closed-loop stochastic systems are bounded in probability sense and the stochastic coupling of the system outputs can be effectively attenuated by the proposed control algorithm. Moreover, the stability of the stochastic systems is analyzed and the effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated using a simulated example.
Date03 October 2019
CreatorsZhang, Qichun, Zhou, J., Wang, H., Chai, T.
Source SetsBradford Scholars
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeArticle, Accepted manuscript
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