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Využití vícerozměrného škálování a motorických testů pro hodnocení a výběr vojáků do kurzů boje zblízka / Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat

TTiittllee:: Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat TThhee aaiimm ooff wwoorrkk:: The work deals with the structure scale for evaluation of close combat techniques and the selection of predictors, which will improve the quality of the identification of soldiers with conditions for the successful solution of model situations using the techniques of close combat. MMeetthhoodd:: In the beginning of the study is constructed a scale of criterion variable for evaluating techniques of close combat. The construction of scale was used the model of multidimensional scaling. The data was obtained from eight Czech Army experts of close combat. The scale was verified by generalized and weighted Kappa coefficient. By the kinetic tests was tested the group of 157 professional soldiers from different units. The soldiers were old between 20 and 32. Besides kinetic tests were in the study included the previous experiences with fight activities. To selection of the kinetic tests was used the model of linear regression. The evaluation of predictive power of kinetic tests was made by individual cohorts in prediction cycle. RReessuullttss:: In first part of the study was created scale of criterion variable which contain three...
Date January 2011
CreatorsVágner, Michal
ContributorsHendl, Jan, Zháněl, Jiří, Komeštík, Blahoslav
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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