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Razlike u izokinetičkim parametrima natkolene muskulature u odnosu na bol u leđima / Differences in isokinetic parameters of thigh muscules in relations to back pain

<p>Bol je subjektivno, neprijatno opažanje i osećaj. Čovek često oseća bol u delu tela koji<br />je znatno udaljen od mesta nastanka bola. U istraživanju je primenjena transverzalna<br />metoda, jednokratnog merenja. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 136 ispitanika, aktivnih<br />fudbalera, starosti 18-35 (20.49&plusmn;3.73) godina. Sva merenja su vr&scaron;ena od 2006. do<br />2016.godine. Ispitanici su ispunili anketu o postojanju bola u leđima, pre samog<br />početka testiranja, gde su intenzitet bolnosti subjektivno procenili Rolandovom skalom<br />bola). Celokupan uzorak je stratifikovan proporcionalnom tehnikom u pet grupa na<br />osnovu subjektivnog osećaja bola u leđima. Multivarijantnom metodom varijanse<br />utvrđivane su razlike na generalnom sistemu uzorkovanih varijabli, prilikom čega je<br />ustanovljeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika između navedenih grupa ispitanika<br />podeljenih na osnovu subjektivnog osećaja bola u leđima u izokinetičkim varijablama<br />koje su uzete u obzir ovim istraživanjem dok su Univarijantnom analizom varijanse<br />utvrđene razlike u pojedinačnim varijablama. Iz navedenih empirijskih saznanja i<br />relevantnih podataka iz stručne literature dobija se uvid u faktore koji utiču na bolno<br />stanje određene regije, disfunkciju i slabost pojedinih mi&scaron;ićnih grupa, uticaj pojedinih<br />mi&scaron;ićnih grupa na druge, kao i poremećaj u kinetičkom lancu lokomotornog aparata<br />kod fudbalera. Samo istraživanje ukazuju na značaj i potrebu da se standardizuju<br />protokoli i konstrui&scaron;u odgovarajući algoritmi za komparativnu sistematizaciju varijabli<br />dobijenih specifičnim ispitivanjima izokinetičkom dinamometrijom kod ispitanika koji<br />se bave timskim sportom sa loptom (fudbal, kosarka, rukomet i dr). Dobijeni podaci<br />poslužiće jednim delom kao deo monitoringa sportskog treninga, kao i efekata<br />različitih trenažnih protokola na parametre mi&scaron;ićne snage kod fudbalera. Sportskomedicinski značaj na polju testiranja parametara mi&scaron;ićne snage izokinetičkom<br />dinamometrijom se ogleda u prevenciji sportskih povreda ili u brzoj i efikasnoj<br />dijagnostici i terapiji istih, &scaron;to značajno utiče na ekonomski aspekt, s obzirom da je<br />profesionalni sport postao visoko komercijalizovan.</p> / <p>Pain is a subjective, uncomfortable perception and feeling. Human often feels<br />pain in the part of the body that is significantly away from the place of origin of pain.<br />The transversal method was performed during study, with a one-time measurement.<br />The study included 136 subjects, active players, ages 18-35 (20:49 &plusmn; 3.73) years. All<br />measurements were carried out from 2006 to 2016. Before the start of the test,<br />examinee completed the survey on the existence of back pain, where the intensity of<br />the pain was subjectively assessed according to Roland pain scale. The entire sample was stratified by proportional technique into five groups, based on the subjective experience of back pain. Multivariate variance method for detection of differences in the general system of sampled variables, during which it was established that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups of examinee, who were divided on the basis of subjective experience of back pain of the isokinetic variables that are taken into account in this study while the univariate analysis of variance determined differences in the individual variables. From the empirical findings above and relevant information from technical literature, an insight was obtained into the factors that influence the painful condition of a particular region, dysfunction and weakness of certain muscle groups, the impact of certain muscle groups on others, as well as the disruption in the kinetic chain of the locomotor apparatus. The research highlights the importance of and the need to standardize protocols and construct appropriate algorithms for comparative systematization of variables obtained by isokinetic dynamometry specific trials in subjects who are engaged in team sports with a ball (football, basketball, handball, etc.). The data will serve partially as part of the monitoring of sports training, as well as the effects of various parameters of training protocols on muscle strength in football. Sports and medical significance in the field of testing parameters with isokinetic muscle strength dynamometry is reflected in the prevention of sports injuries or in the quick and efficient diagnosis and treatment of the same, which significantly affects the economic aspect, considering that professional sport has become highly commercialized.</p>
Date21 September 2016
CreatorsGolik-Perić Dragana
ContributorsGrujić Nikola, Obradović Borislav, Lukač Damir, Smajić Miroslav
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Asocijacija centara za interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne studije i istraživanja, University of Novi Sad, Association of Centres for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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