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Higgs Physics Beyond the Standard Model

On the 4th of July 2012, the discovery of a new scalar particle with a mass of order 125 GeV was announced by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. An important era is now opening: the precise determination of the properties of the produced particle. This is of extreme importance in order to establish that this particle is indeed the relic of the mechanism responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking and to pin down effects of new physics if additional ingredients beyond those of the Standard Model are involved in the symmetry breaking mechanism. In this thesis we have tried to understand and characterize to which extent this new scalar field is the Standard Model Higgs Boson and set the implications of this discovery in the context of Supersymmetric theories and dark matter models.In a first part devoted to the Standard Model of particle physics, we discuss the Higgs pair production processes at the LHC and the main output of our results is that they al-low for the determination of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling which represents a first important step towards the reconstruction of the Higgs potential and thus the final verifica-tion of the Higgs mechanism as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking.The second part is about Supersymmetric theories. After a review of the topics one of our result is to set strong restrictions on Supersymmetric models after the Higgs discov-ery. We also introduce a new approach which would allow experimentalists to efficiently look for supersymmetric heavy Higgs bosons at current and next LHC runs.The third part concerns dark matter. We present results which give strong constraints on Higgs-portal models. We finally discuss alternative non-thermal dark matter scenario. Firstly, we demonstrate that there exists a tight link between the reheating temperature and the scheme of the Standard Model gauge group breaking and secondly we study the genesis of dark matter by a Z' portal.
Date19 June 2014
CreatorsQuevillon, Jérémie
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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