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Trestněprávní ochrana zvířat před týráním a jiným nevhodným zacházením / Criminal law protection of animals against cruelty and other inappropriate treatment

Criminal law protection of animals against cruelty and other inappropriate treatment Abstract This diploma thesis deals with animal protection in the Czech Republic from perspective of criminal law as a legal instrument ultima ratio. Primary goal of this thesis is to analyse legal regulation in Act no. 40/2009 Coll., Penal Code, de lege lata and evaluate possibilities de lege ferenda. Within current legal regulation this thesis works with articles 302, 302a and 303 of Penal Code and the current legal regulation is compared with the previous one. Particural attention is dedicated to Act no. 114/2020 Coll., which established entirely new crime into the Czech legal system called Breeding Animals in Iappropriate Conditions and widened the listing of penalties stated in article 52 of Penal Code by penalty of prohibition of keeping and breeding animals. Particular novelties are analysed in detail and the thesis also responds to the most frequent arguments in favour and against passing the new legal regulation. Secondary goal of the thesis can be seen in sociological considerations and comparative studies. Diploma thesis consists of five chapters, which divide more minutely further. The first chapter introduces key concepts of animal protection area, mainly the term "animal". Fundamental terms are defined in...
Date January 2021
CreatorsKolář, Ondřej
ContributorsMulák, Jiří, Šelleng, Dalibor
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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