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Supply chain management applicable to the South African Army camouflage clothing commodity

There are many reasons for the popularity of the supply chain or the supply chain
management concept. Through globalisation, entities are forced to look for more
effective ways to coordinate the flow of goods and material between facilities, into
and out of the business. Customers are consistently demanding products that are
delivered faster, exactly on time, and with no damage. Supply chain management is
the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the
tactics across these business functions within a particular entity and across
businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term
performance of the individual entities and the supply chain as a whole.
One key objective of supply chain management is to lower the costs required to
provide the necessary level of customer service, in order to gain a competitive
advantage within a market segment. To be fully effective in today’s competitive
environment, entities must expand their integrated behaviour to incorporate
customers and suppliers. Low cost and differentiated service help build a competitive
advantage for the supply chain. When entities take up a supply chain management
philosophy, they must determine and establish management practices that permit
them to operate and behave consistent with this philosophy. Performance
measurement provides the necessary assistance for performance improvement in
pursuit of supply chain excellence. The efficient and effective management of this
supply chain with performance measurement and internal controls establishes a solid
base for competitive advantage.
The SA Army camouflage clothing logistics reveals elements of improvement, as
compared to supply chain management principles. Camouflage clothing forms an
important element of the total supplies of a soldier in sustaining military and warfare
capabilities. Camouflage clothing logistics in the SA Army is a complex mix of
physical entities, processes and rules that is governed by mostly conceptual
concepts and principles. The SA Army lacks an integrated supply chain philosophy and clear supply chain management principles. Supply chain management can
enhance camouflage clothing logistics in the SA Army, if the principles are properly
The SA Army is a military institution with peacekeeping operations as their core
function. The manufacturing and distribution of clothing is not a core function of the
SA Army and can therefore be outsourced to address most of the concerns raised
under the present system. Although it would be difficult and cumbersome to
implement an integrated supply chain, with supply chain management philosophy
and practices, the principle will enhance efficiency and effectiveness in today’s
economic environment.
The level of outsourcing and the effectiveness of control will determine the degree of
Daar is verskeie redes vir die populariteit van die aanvoerketting of die
aanvoerkettingbestuurskonsep. Globalisasie het entiteite gedwing om ondersoek in
te stel na meer effektiewe maniere om die vloei van goedere en materiaal, tussen
fasilitieite, asook in en uit die entiteit te koördineer. Kliënte eis gereeld produkte wat
vinniger, presies op tyd en met geen skade afgelewer word. Aanvoerkettingbestuur
is die sistemiese, strategiese koordinasie van al die tradisionele besigheidsfunksies,
asook taktieke oor hierdie besigheidsfunksies, binne ‘n entiteit en oor besighede
binne die aanvoerketting, met die doel om die langtermyn prestasie van die
individuele entiteite en die aanvoerketting as geheel te verbeter.
Een sleuteldoel van aanvoerkettingbestuur is om kostes te verminder. Hierdie kostes
word geassosieer met ‘n sekere vlak van kliëntediens, wat voorsien moet word om ‘n
kompeterende voordeel in die marksegment te verkry. Om in vandag se
kompeterende omgewing ten volle effektief te wees moet entiteite hul geïntegreerde
gedrag uitbrei om kliënte en verskaffers in te sluit. Lae koste en gedifferensieërde
diens help om kompeterende voordeel binne die aanvoerketting te bou. Sodra
entitieite ‘n aanvoerkettingfilosofie aanneem, moet hulle bestuurspraktyke bepaal en
vastel hoe om in lyn met dié filosofie op te tree en te funksioneer. Prestasiemeting
voorsien die nodige riglyn vir prestasieverbetering in die strewe na aanvoerketting
Kamoefleerdrag vorm ‘n belangrike element in die uitrusting van die soldaat wanneer
militêre- en oorlogsvermoë hanteer moet word. Kamoefleerdraglogistiek in die SA
Leër is ‘n komplekse mengsel van fisiese entiteite, prosesse and reëls wat meestal
deur konseptuele beginsels geregeer word. Die SA Leër kamoefleerdrag logistiek
reflekteer elemente van verbetering, wanneer vergelyk word met
aanvoerkettingbestuursbeginsels. Die SA Leër kort ‘n geïntegreerde aanvoerkettingfilosofie,
asook duidelike aanvoerkettingbestuursbeginsels. Aanvoerkettingbestuur
kan die kamoefleerdrag logistiek in die SA Leër verbeter, as die beginsels reg toegepas word.
Die SA Leër is ‘n militêre instelling met vredesoperasies as primêre funksie. Die
vervaardiging en verspreiding van klerasie is nie die SA Lëer se primêre funksie nie
en kan daarom geprivatiseer word. Dit sal primêr die probleme wat onder die huidige
stelsel voorkom, aanspreek. Al word dit voorsien dat dit moeilik en omslagtig sal
wees om ‘n geïntegreerde aanvoerkettingfilosofie en -beginsel in die SA Leër te
implimenteer, dit die doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van die huidige stelsel in
vandag se ekonomie sal verbeter.
Date03 1900
CreatorsWessels, Nelmarie (Nelmarie Jacolien)
ContributorsLa Grange, J.F., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Military Sciences. School for Defence Organisation and Resource Management.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxiii, 140 leaves : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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