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Derivations on smooth Hensel-Steinitz algebras

I define and analyze the Hensel-Steinitz algebra ����(��), a crossed product C∗-algebra associated with multiplication maps on continuous functions on the ring of ��-adic integers. In ����(��), I define an ideal and identify it with a known algebra. From this, I construct a short exact sequence conveying the structure of the algebras. I further identify smooth subalgebras within both ����(��) and its ideal, classify derivations on those algebras, and compare the classification with derivations on other smooth algebras. I also analyze the algebras associated with multiplication maps based on the multiplier being a root of unity, not a root of unity, or not invertible in the ��-adic integers. In the case of the multiplier being a root of unity and the quotient group therefore being finite, unexpected additional structure is found.
Date10 May 2024
CreatorsHebert, Shelley David
PublisherScholars Junction
Source SetsMississippi State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceTheses and Dissertations

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