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Digital satellite remote sensing for terrestrial coastal zone management

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The unique and often fragile environment of the coastal zone is placed under increasing
pressure by human development. It is expected that three quarters of the world's
population will be living within 60km of the coast by the year 2020. Thorough planning
and management are required to prevent coastal degradation. In South Africa, coastal
management efforts are being promoted through the implementation of a White Paper for
sustainable coastal development. A Coastal Decision Support System (CDSS) was
developed to empower local authorities to demarcate and manage sensitive coastal areas by
giving them access to relevant botanical and physical information.
Land cover/use information for the CDSS was previously mapped manually from hardcopy
aerial photography. This method was found to be time-consuming and costly. This study
investigated the potential for digital satellite imagery as primary source of data for
populating the land cover/use information of the CDSS. A methodology was designed
utilising semi-supervised isodata clustering for extracting relevant information for a study
area covering 40x20km of coast along the southern coastal sector of South Africa. Digital
mapping of SPOT 4 multispectral satellite data was used successfully to map land
cover/use information such as wetlands, coastal lakes, dune vegetation, urban areas, forest
plantations, natural forest and agricultural areas.
A cost comparison was also made between the digital mapping method from satellite
imagery used in this research project and the manual mapping from aerial photography.
Digital mapping from satellite imagery was found to be more cost-effective in terms of
both data and human resource costs. The method outlined and discussed in the research
project should provide sufficient guidance for future application of the techniques in
populating the CDSS with land cover/use information. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die unieke en dikwels sensitiewe landskap in die kussone is onder aansienlike druk weens
ontwikkeling deur mense. Daar word verwag dat 'n derde van die wêreldbevolking teen
die jaar 2020 binne 60km van die kus woonagtig sal wees. Dit sal deeglike beplanning en
bestuur verg om die agteruigang van hierdie gebied te bekamp. Kussonebestuur word in
Suid Afrika aangemoedig deur die implementering van 'n Witskrif vir volhoubare
kussone-ontwikkeling. 'n Kusgebied-besluitnemingsondersteuningstelsel (KBOS) is
ontwikkel in 'n poging om plaaslike owerhede te bemagtig om sensitiewe kusgebiede af te
baken en te bestuur. Die KBOS verleen plaaslike owerhede toegang tot toepaslike
inligting oor botaniese en fisiese o~standighede.
Grondbedekkinginligting vir die KBOS is in die verlede vanaf hardekopie lugfoto's
gekarteer. Hierdie metode is tydrowend en duur. Die potensiaal van digitale
satellietbeelde as hoof databron om grondbedekkinginligting vir die KBOS te voorsien is
in hierdie studie ondersoek. 'n Metode word in die tesis uiteengesit om 'semi-supervised
isodata clustering' te gebruik om die nodige inligting uit die data te onttrek. Die
studiegebied sluit 'n area van 40x20km langs die suid kus van Suid Afrika in. Digitale
kartering vanaf SPOT 4 multispektrale satellietdata is suksesvol gebruik om
grondbedekkingsinligting soos vleilande, kusmere, duin-plantegroei, stedelike gebiede,
bosbou, natuurlike bos en landbougebiede te karteer.
'n Kostevergelyking is gedoen tussen die digitale karteringsmetode vanaf satellietbeelde in
vergeleke met handkartering vanaf lugfotografie. Die digitale karteringsmetode blyk meer
koste-effektief te wees beide in terme van die datakoste sowel as die koste verbonde aan
mannekrag. Die omskrywing van die metode in die tesis behoort as goeie riglyn te dien vir
die toepassing van die tegniek om grondbedekkinginligting voor te berei vir die KBOS.
Date03 1900
CreatorsPretorius, Cindy
ContributorsZietsman, H. L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies .
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format111, [9] p. ; ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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