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The relationship between job demands, job resources, engagement, burnout and intention to quit

Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increasing demand for client-services in a highly competitive business
environment has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of call
centres in South Africa and worldwide (Carrim, Basson & Coetzee, 2006).
Within the call centre industry, turnover intentions have been identified as one
of the most pressing problems in terms of cost and productivity. This research
suggests that the exploration and then the alteration of job resources and job
demands will help elicit factors that foster engagement and will help lessen
and/or alleviate burnout experiences. This in turn will help to decrease
turnover intentions in the South African call centre industry. This research
attempts to investigate the proposed relationships between the constructs in a
structural model.
The literature review defines turnover, turnover intention, engagement,
burnout as well as job demands and job resources, using the Job Demands-
Resources model. It also discusses the importance for organisations to
understand employees’ turnover intentions. The literature review aims to
portray that there are relationships between the five constructs. The current research was conducted in 5 inbound/outbound South African call
centres. The sample was comprised of 122 participants and a non-probability
sampling technique, convenience sampling was utilized. A self-developed
Biographical Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES)
and the Maslach Burnout Inventory Questionnaire (MBI) were used as
measuring instruments. Job demands and job resources using the Work
Design Questionnaire (WDQ) by Morgeson and Humphrey (2006) were used
as well as a Turnover Intentions Questionnaire developed by Roodt (2004)
cited in Adam and Roodt (2008). A reliability analysis was done to assess the
measurement properties of the respective measures, and all scales showed
highly acceptable reliability.
The data wereanalysed using the soft approach to Structural Equation
Modeling that is Partial least squares path modeling. The results indicate that all of the relationships tested are significant. A model testing engagement and
burnout as mediators were also investigated. Both relationships were
insignificant hence engagement is a mediator between job resources and
intention to quit and burnout a mediator between job demands and intention to
quit. This was also confirmed by two separate Sobel tests (Sobel, 1982).
This study adds to existing literature on job resources, job demands,
engagement, burnout and intention to quit by providing insights into the
relationships among these constructs. This study also provides call centres
with valuable information for the development and/or alterations of working
conditions aimed at mitigating turnover behavior and maximizing
organizational outcomes through an engaged workforce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende vraag na kliënt-dienste, in 'n hoogs mededingende sakeomgewing,
het gelei tot 'n aansienlike toename in die aantal van oproep-diens
sentrums in Suid-Afrika asook die wêreld (Carrim, Basson & Coetzee, 2006).
Intensie om te bedank is geïdentifiseer as een van die mees dringende
probleme in terme van koste en produktiwiteit, binne oproepsentrums. Hierdie
navorsing dui daarop dat die eksplorasie en die verandering van werkbronne
met betrekking tot die werksomgewing en werkvereistes; sal faktore ontlok
wat kan aanleiding gee tot die verbintenis betrokkenheid van personnel, en
sal ook help om uitbranding ervarings te verminder of om te verlaag. Dit op sy
beurt sal meerbring dat intensie om te bedank dus verlaag word binne die
Suid-Afrikaanse oproepsentrum-bedryf. Hierdie navorsing poog om die
voorgestelde verwantskap tussen die konstrukte in 'n strukturele model te
Die literatuuroorsig definieer omset, intensie om te bedank, verbetenis,
uitbranding sowel as werkvereistes en werkbronne, met die hulp van die
werk-eise model. Dit bespreek ook die belangrikheid vir organisasies om
werknemer omset bedoelings te verstaan. Die literatuuroorsig poog om die
verwantskap tussen die vyf konstrukte te illustreer. Die huidige navorsing was gedoen by 5 inkomende/uitgaande Suid-
Afrikaanse oproepsentrums. Eenhonderd twee en twintig (122) deelnemers
was in die navorsing gebruik en 'n nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming
tegniek, gerieflikheidsteekproef was benut. 'n Self-ontwikkelde biografiese
vraelys, die Utrecht Werksbegeesteringskaal (UWES) en die Maslach
Uitbrandingsvraelys (MBI) was as meetinstrumente gebruik. Werkvereiste en
werkbronne was gemeet deur die werk Ontwerp vraelys (WDQ) wat deur
Morgeson en Humphrey (2006) ontwikkel is, addisioneel tot die voorafgaande
was omset bedoelings vraelyste wat deur Roodt (2004) ontwikkel is soos
aangehaal in Adam en Roodt (2008). 'n Betroubaarheid analise is gedoen om
die meting eienskappe van die onderskeie maatreëls te evalueer, en daar is
bevind dat al die skale hoogs aanvaarbare betroubaarheid toon. Die data is ontleed met gebruik van die sagte benadering tot strukturele
vergelykingsmodellering wat PLS modellering. Die resultate dui daarop dat al
die verhoudings wat getoets was betekenisvol is. 'n Model toets verbintenis
en uitbranding as bemiddelaar is ook ondersoek. Beide verhoudings was
onbeduldende daarom is verbintenis ‘n bemiddelaar tussen werkbronne en
voorneme om te bedank en uitbranding 'n bemiddelaar tussen werk eise en
intensie om te bedank. Dit is ook bevestig deur twee afsonderlike Sobel
toetse (Sobel, 1982).
Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande literatuur oor werkbronne,
werkwerkvereistes, uitbranding en intensie om op te bedank deur die
verskaffing van insigte in die verhoudings tussen hierdie konstrukte. Hierdie
studie bied ook vir oproepdiens-sentrums waardevolle inligting vir die
ontwikkeling en/of verandering van werksomstandighede wat daarop gemik is
om die veranderende opset van omset gedrag en om optimale uitkoms van
verandering vir die organisasie deur 'n betrokke werksmag te benut.
Date04 1900
CreatorsCole, Beatrix
ContributorsCillie, Gawie, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format116 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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