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The fears expressed and coping mechanisms of a selected group of middle childhood South African children living in a children's home

Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to establish normative data regarding the fears expressed by and
coping mechanisms in a selected group of middle childhood children living in a children's home with
respect to content, number, level and pattern of fears and the coping mechanisms as well as their
perceived efficacy. Children living in a children's home were referred to as children who were
removed from family care as a result of lawful intervention and were thus seen as a special
The secondary aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the fears expressed were found with
respect to the independent variables of a special population and gender. The three measuring
instruments were the Free-Option Method (FOM), the Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised
(FSSC-R) and the Coping Strategy (CS). The FOM was used to determine the content and number
of fears, the structured FSSC-R to establish the content, number, level and pattern of fears and the
CS to obtain the coping mechanisms used and their perceived effectiveness.
A predominantly quantitative method of data collection was used. This was also true for the data
analysis. In all three questionnaires were completed by 141 children living in a children's home (70
boys and 71 girls) in the Western Cape between the ages of 8 and 13. The three questionnaires
comprised of the FOM, FSSC-R and the CS and were administered in the above-mentioned order.
The content of fears based on the results of the FOM yielded only a few similarities upon comparison
to the findings of a recent study by. More similarities were apparent upon comparison of the results
of the FSSC-R implying that the structuredness of the measuring instrument plays a role in how
universal childhood fears really are. The number as well as level of fear was higher for the children
living in a children's home in comparison to the results of normative populations. This also holds
true for the level of fear on all of the fear factors of the FSSC-R Gender differences that were
apparent, were consistent with previous research with girls expressing a higher number and level of
fears than boys. The girls in comparison to the boys also displayed a higher level of fear on all the
five factors.
The coping strategy most often used as well as perceived effective was the secondary coping
strategy. This was followed by the primary coping strategy and finally the relinquished control coping strategy. Specific coping strategies, which were utilised, were support seeking and avoidance
and these are associated with a higher level of intemalising symptoms. Overall, the coping strategies
utilised were found to be effective in reducing the fear experienced.
Only a few similarities were apparent upon companson of the results of the two measunng
instruments, the FOM and the FSSC-R, emphasising the need for the development of an South
African Fear Schedule.
Lastly, recommendations for future studies are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die onderhawige studie was die insameling van ·normatiewe data omtrent die
uitgesproke vrese van 'n geselekteerde groep kinderhuiskinders in die middelkinderjare met
betrekking tot die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese en die hanteringstrategieë, sowel as die
waargenome effektiwiteit daarvan. Kinders wat in kinderhuise woon is kinders wat van hulle gesinne
verwyder is as gevolg van 'n wetlike ingreep en hulle word om hierdie rede as 'n spesiale populasie
Die sekondêre doel van die onderhawige studie was om vas te stelof daar verskille was in die
uitgesproke vrese met betrekking tot die onafhanklike veranderlikes van 'n spesiale populasie en
geslag. Die drie meetinstrumente wat toegepas is, is die "Free Option Method" (FOM), die ''Fear
Survey Schedule for Children Revised" (FSSC-R) en die "Coping Strategy"(CS). Die FOM is
gebruik om die inhoud en aantal vrese te bepaal, terwyl die FSSC-R gebruik is om die inhoud, aantal,
vlak en patroon van vrese te bepaal. Die CS is gebruik om die hanteringstrategieë en hul
effektiwiteit te bepaal.
'n Oorwegend kwantitatiewe metode van data insameling, sowel as dataverwerking is vir hierdie
studie gebruik. Drie vraelyste is beantwoord deur 141 kinders (70 seuns en 71 meisies) tussen die
ouderdomme van 8 en 13 jaar wat in kinderhuise in die Wes-Kaap woon. Die FOM, FSSC-R en die
CS is gebruik en in hierdie volgorde toegepas.
Die inhoud van vrese wat op die resultate van die FOM gebaseer is, het weining ooreengestem met
die navorsingsbevindings van 'n onlangse studie. Meer ooreenstemming is gevind met betrekking tot
die inhoud van vrese wat gebaseer is op die FSSC-R resultate. Dit impliseer dat die
gestruktureerdheid van die meetinstrumente 'n rol speel in hoe universeel vrese is. Die aantal sowel
as vlak van vrese, was hoër vir die kinders wat in 'n kinderhuis woon vergeleke met die resultate van
normatiewe populasies. Die bogenoemde is ook van toepassing ten opsigte van die vlak van vrese
op al vyf faktore van die FSSC-R. Geslagsverskille wat voorgekom het, is in ooreenstemming met
ander navorsingsresultate waar meisies, in vergelyking met seuns, meer vrese sowel as 'n hoër vlak
van vrese op al vyffaktore van die FSSC-R getoon het. Die hanteringstrategieë wat die meeste deur die kinders gebruik is is die sekondêre
hanteringstrategieë. Dit is gevolg deur die primêre hanteringstrategieë en laastens die opgegeë
beheer hanteringstrategieë. Spesifieke hanteringstrategieë wat gebruik is, is ondersteuning en
vermyding. Hierdie strategieë word geassosieer met 'n hoër vlak van geïnternaliseerde simptome.
Oor die algemeen is die hanteringstrategieë as effektief beskou in die vermindering van vrese.
Daar was min ooreenstemming tussen die resultate van die twee vrees meetinstrumente, die FOM en
die FSSC-R, wat die behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van 'n vrees meetinstrument vir Suid-Afrikaanse
omstandighede beklemtoon.
Ten slotte word enkele riglyne vir toekomstige navorsing gegee.
Date04 1900
CreatorsBurkhardt, Kathe-Erla
ContributorsLoxton, H., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format53 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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