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Teachers' experiences of teaching children from informal settlements

D.Ed. / With the dawning of the new democratic South Africa the 'dream' of a a unified education system was realised. Children who previously attended racially segregated schools are now all being educated in desegregated schools. This meteoric change has been eagerly embraced by most of the people of South Africa. Change at macro level often means change at micro level as well. For teachers within the education system this meant the challenge of providing equitable education for all. Schools in Lenasia, previously administered by the House of Delegates (concerned specifically with the education of Indian), began admitting black children from Soweto and the informal settlements around Lenasia since 1989. Soon after their admission teachers from some of the schools requested assistance from the school psychologist attached to the now defunct House of Delegates. They reported that they were experiencing difficulty teaching the children from the informal settlements. This request by the teachers provided the impetus for the research. The overriding aim was to determine what the concerns were and to develop strategies for addressing the concerns. A review of the research literature revealed that the concerns would be most appropriately identified within the naturalistic paradigm. The teachers were chosen as the unit of analysis. This was based on the finding that there was a dearth of research studies which focused on "teachers' voices". Listening to the teachers themselves is important. The aims of the research were a) to gather information on the teachers' experiences of teaching children from the informal settlements b) to describe the conditions which prevail, beliefs and attitudes which are held, processes which are going on and trends which are developing and c) to present strategies that may assist the teachers in their task. The research was conducted at primary schools in Lenasia. The participants were teachers teaching primary school children at these schools. A pilot study was conducted to eliminate potential unforeseen difficulties in the planned research. Data was gathered by means of a combination of methods, namely, four focussed group interviews, four phenomenological interviews, analysis of pupils' workbooks, analysis of pupils' school reports, analysis of the proceedings at a conference on Multilinguality and field notes. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The proceedings at the conference were video-taped and also transcribed verbatim. The data was content and phenomenologically analysed by using Kerlinger's Method of Content Analysis (1986) and Giorgi's Method of Data Analysis (1985). Quality was built into the research by the application of strategies such as triangulation, persistent observation, referential adequacy materials, peer debriefing, member checks, purposive sampling, reflexive journals, dependability audits, confirmability audits and literature control. Several categories and themes emerged from the analysis of the data. The experiences of the teachers were categorised into the following divisions: pupil related experiences; parent related experiences; community related experiences; administration related experiences; didactic experience; personal experiences; strategies and suggestions. Teachers' attributed the difficulties that the children from the informal settlements were experiencing primarily to their lack of knowledge of English. The schools being English medium schools they expected the children to know English. They perceived the difficulties as arising from a number of factors such as a) pupils' emotional vulnerability, lack of motivation, classroom misbehaviour, ethnic groupings and cultural differences b) mother tongue instruction at their previous schools c) parents socio-economic status and illiteracy and d) social problems and lack of support from the community. It was generally felt that teachers did not have the necessary training and experience needed to teach children who spoke languages other than English. In addition, the children were of a different cultural group and they did not have the expertise to deal with this issue. Teachers perceived the administrators and subject advisors as not been sufficiently supportive and unable to guide them in their efforts to teach the children from the informal settlements. Further, practical problems such as the large number of children per class, wide range of ability groups in their classes, inappropriate placement of children, syllabus demands, and the policy of condoned passes was complicating their teaching. This often led to frustration, resentment, and 'burn-out'. In spite of these difficulties most teachers had attempted to address the difficulties in innovative ways. Understanding and empathising with the children's difficulties and being flexible in their teaching was one of the strategies used by the teachers. Other strategies included the provision of extra tuition in English. The analysis also revealed that some teachers had reflected deeply about their teaching instruction. From their reflections they concluded that they themselves had to change to meet the new demands in teaching. The literature review and control revealed many similarities between studies undertaken in South Africa and some differences and uniqueness. Drawing the threads of the various studies resulted in the development of the strategies suggested. In essence it involves a) the need for teachers to get in touch with their own beliefs, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses and address the needs b) teachers need to empower the children from the informal settlements to meet the demands of the school. This can be accomplished by a) improving their knowledge, skills, and expertise in addressing the concerns expressed b) enlisting the assistance of the parents and the community c) demanding that administrators and subject advisors provide the necessary guidance support and resources need to accomplish their task. Administrators and education advisors need to support, guide and enhance the teachers' expertise. Ways in which this can be accomplished is by providing appropriate, relevant, practical and challenging in-service training, presenting workshops and seminars, initiating staff development programmes and "just being there" for the teachers by valuing them and encouraging them.
Date07 September 2012
CreatorsManga, Nalini
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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