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明清之際「詞史」研究與「新詞史」專題= A study of Cishi in the period of Ming-Qing transition and the new cishi topics /林怡劭.

「詞史」為一理論術語,亦是作品的價值桂冠。此一觀念於明清之際興發,然而歷來大多是站在「詩史」的角度之下詮釋此一概念,而少對當時的「詞史」論述作一完整並細緻的討論。經過分析,筆者發現明清之際的「詞史」論述具有泛情化與個人化的傾向,故本文以現今「詞史」研究的學術反思為出發點,並進一步站在此特點之上,企圖建立一個考察「詞史」作品的「新詞史」視角。第一章是全文的基礎,包含兩個重點:一是分析明清之際的「詞史」概念特質,並闡述其產生背景與原因;二是將「詞史」與「詩史」、「曲史」一同比較,得出它們的細微差別。第二章至第四章從「詞史」論述中選取三個主要內涵,分別是「傳心」、「憶往」與「懷古詠史」,在這三章中,除了對這三類「詞史」論述有更仔細的分析外,並加入了與此三個主題相關的理論思考,形成新的考察視角,接著由這些主題衍伸而出,開展專題討論,作為「新詞史」之示例。「詞史」的泛情化與個人化,背離了過往重紀事的史觀,而與二十世紀初以來的新史學觀念相符,同樣指向心靈史與思想史之範疇。也因為「事」的剝離,其間文體跨越的標準,以及詞中「史」的性質都更為抽象、模糊,加上論述中賦予鑑賞者裁選的權力,故與新歷史主義亦有部分相似之處。本文採用新歷史主義的方法,注重文本與歷史的互動,選擇詞、史兩個方面皆有價值的作品:第一個專題以兩組骷髏詞為分析對象,從中可見兩種死亡觀的對話;接著以自壽詞與自題像詞為分析對象,觀察他們詞中的自傳意味;最後以〈虞美人〉詞牌為主的虞姬詞為分析對象,帶出英雄觀的討論。這三個專題之間又是彼此關聯,共同形成一個歷史場域,在詞中展現他們文學化的眾聲喧嘩。綜上所述,本文於理論與作品兩方面,希望能擺脫過往陳陳相因的定義與詮釋,而對於詞與史,有更多思考的可能。= As an academic term, Cishi can also be esteemed as a compliment of a piece of work. Cishi, developed into a concept in the duration of Ming and Qing Dynasty, has been long comprehended and interpreted under the gist of Shishi, without a thorough and detailed discussion over the contemporary discourse about Cishi. Through close reading and analysis, I found that the discourse about Cishi in the duration of Ming and Qing Dynasty has an inclination of pan-sentiment and personalisition. This dissertation is based on the reflection of present study on Cishi, and tries to make a step further to establish a "new Cishi" platform to inspect Cishi works. The first chapter is the fundament of this whole dissertation, which consists of two parts: one is to analyze the particularity of the concept of Cishi, and explain its background and reason, and the other is to compare the subtle differences among Cishi, Shishi and Qushi. I select three main connotations--expressing mind, retrospecting the past, and ode to history, to discuss among Chapter Two to Chapter Four. Besides the profoundly analyzing, I combine these three topics with respectively related theoretical thinking to form a new perspective. Subsequently, specific discussions expended from the topics are set examples of the "new Cishi". Pan-sentiment and personalisition of Cishi deviates from the traditional historiography view which concentrates on the event recording, whereas corresponds with the new historiography view blossoming in 20th century, which also points to the spiritual history and the history of ideas. For the reason of the separation from events, ambiguous standards of style, the abstract and vague quality of "history" in Ci, as well as the power of selecting entitled to the readers in discussion; Cishi also shares some similarities with new historicism. So in this dissertation, regarding the interaction between text and history, I adopt the method of new historicism to select those works which contribute both in Ci and in history. The first topic concentrates on two groups of skeleton Ci, which embodies two different views of death. The second topic sets the self-bithday-congratuation Ci and self-portrait-inscription Ci as objects of study to observe the connotation of autobiography within. In the very end, the third topic analyzes the character of Yuji(虞姬) which mainly appears in the Cipai(詞牌) of Yumeiren(虞美人), which also contains the discussion of the heroic outlook. Associated mutually, these three topics form a historical field, and burst into a literary chorus in Ci. As a conclusion, this dissertation explores in aspect of theory as well as works, tries to get rid of the past routinized definition and explanation in order to offer some new possible perspectives in both Ci and history.
Date17 February 2017
PublisherHKBU Institutional Repository
Source SetsHong Kong Baptist University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceOpen Access Theses and Dissertations

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