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Oorsaaklikheid en oorganklikheid in Afrikaans : `n kognitiewe benadering

Proefskrif ingelewer vir the Graad Doktor in die Lettere en Wysbegeerte aan die Universiteit van Zululand. = Submitted in fulfillment for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Literature and Languages at the University of Zululand, 2000. / Afr: In hierdie proefskrif doen ek verslag oor navorsing wat ek binne die raamwerk van die
Kognitiewe Retoriek gedoen het oor die venvantskap tussen oorsaaklikheid en oorganklikheid in
Afrikaans. Nadat ek die aard van oorsaaklikheid aan die hand van die jongste literatuur beskryfhet,
het ek gewys hoe oorsaaklikheid saam met ander betekeniselemente soos beeldskemas, konseptuele
melafore en semantiese rolle die grondslag vorm vir hoe die mens dink en praat oor die interaksies om hom wat hy oorganklike gebeure noem. = Engl: In this dissertation I am reporting the results of the research that I did within the framework of Cognitive Rhetoric regarding the relationship between causality and transitivity in Afrikaans. After describing the nature of causality based on the most recent literature in this regard, I demonstrate how causality, along with other elements of meaning such as image s enemas, conceptual metaphors and semantic roles form the basis of how humans think and-talk about the-interactions-around-them that they term transitive events. / National Research Foundation
Date January 2000
CreatorsZulu, Sylvia Phiwani
ContributorsKlopper, R.M.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown

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