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Towards academic staff development in the faculty of arts at the University of Durban-Westville

Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate .the need for a staff development programme for
academics in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Durban-Westville. This thesis has
five chapters. Chapter One is the introductory chapter and examines the nature of the
study in relation to the aims of the study, sub-problems, various definitions of staff
development and formulates a hypothesis. The hypothesis states that: "There is a
definite need for an academic staff development programme in the Faculty of Arts at the
University of Durban-Westville." This hypothesis is then followed by a motivation and
rationale of the study followed by a discussion of background studies on staff
development. The limitations, strengths and scope of the study are presented followed
by some preliminary considerations.
Chapter Two provides an in-depth examination of staff development. It begins with a
critical discussion of the various philosophies that underpin staff development practices.
These philosophies include positivism, hermeneutics and the political nature of staff
development. This is followed by a discussion on the goals of higher education and its
link to staff development. Special reference is made to the South African context, quality
assurance in South African universities and staff development programmes at the
Historically Black Universities. Thereafter, an in-depth discussion of the link between
teaching and learning is presented. This is accomplished by referring to theories of
teaching and learning in higher education. Once this is completed, the entire spectrum of
staff development activities is presented. This discussion begins with a description of the
various competencies of the lecturer followed by a presentation of two models on staff
development. The following staff development practices are then discussed in detail:
induction programmes, seminars and workshops, reflective teaching and self-directed
practice, mentoring, consultation, personal growth contracts, the cascades method and
micro-teaching. This discussion is consolidated by presenting the case of the University
of Durban- Westvi11e and motivating for the need for academic staff development in the
Faculty of Arts.
Chapter Three presents the research design and methodology - it outlines the steps
undertaken in the current study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research
were utilized. The primary means of collecting data was the survey which included the
dissemination of questionnaires to both third year students and lecturers in the Faculty of
Arts. Students were selected from the population of third year students in the Faculty of
Arts. A proportional stratified randomized sampling procedure was applied to both the
population of staff and students.
Chapter Four presents the analysis of the data in a systematic way. The student
questionnaire is analyzed followed by an analysis of the staff questionnaire. These
results are presented in table form, followed by a discussion. There are 38 tables in this
Chapter Five is the final chapter that presents the conclusions drawn from the study and
provides recommendations for the establishment of a staff development programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die behoefte te bepaal vir 'n
personeelontwikkelingsprogram vir akademici in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe aan
die Universiteit van Durban-Westville. Hoofstuk Een is die inleidende hoofstuk en
ondersoek die aard van die navorsing in verhouding tot die doelwitte daarvan, subprobleme,
verskeie definisies van personeelontwikkeling, en formuleer 'n hipotese. Die
hipotese stel dit so: ''Daar is 'n besliste behoefte aan 'n personeelontwikke1ingsprogram
in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van Durban-Westville."
Hierdie hipotese word dan gevolg deur 'n motivering en 'n grondrede vir die navorsing.
'n Bespreking van die agtergrondstudies oor personeelontwikkeling volg daarop. Die
beperkinge, sterk punte en omvang van die navorsing word dan voorge1e. Daarna volg 'n
paar inleidende beskouinge.
Hoofstuk twee bied 'n diepgaande ondersoek na personeelontwikkeling. Dit begin met
'n kritiese bespreking van die verskillende filosofiee wat onderliggende is aan
personeelontwikkelingspraktyke. Hierdie filosofieë sluit positivisme, hermeneutiek en
die politieke aard van personeelontwikkeling in. Dit word gevolg deur 'n bespreking van
die doelwitte van hoër onderwys en die verband wat dit met personeelontwikkeling het.
Daar word in die besonder verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, gehalteversekering in
Suid-Afrikaanse unversiteite en personeelontwikkelingsprogramme by Histories Swart
Universiteite. Daarna volg 'n diepgaande bespreking van die verband tussen onderrig en
leer, waartydens daar na onderrig en leer-teorieë in die hoër onderwys verwys word.
Vervolgens word die totale spektrum van personeelontwikkelingsaktiwiteite ondersoek.
Hierdie bespreking begin met 'n beskrywing van die verskillende bevoegdhede waaraan
dosente moet voldoen, en word gevolg deur 'n voorlegging van twee
personeelontwikkelingsmodelle. Die volgende personeelontwikkelingspraktyke word
dan in besonderhede bespreek: orientingsprogramme, seminare en werkswinkels,
reflektiewe onderwys en selfgerigte praktyk, mentorskap, konsultasie, persoonlike
ontwikkelingskontrakte, die "cascades method" en mikro-onderrig. Hierdie bespreking
word dan saamgevat deur die saak van die Universiteit van Durban-Westville te stel. Die
behoefte aan personeelontwikkeling vir akademici in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe,
word gemotiveer.
In Hoofstuk drie word die navorsingsontwerp en -metodologie uiteengesit. Dit
verduidelik die prosedure wat gevolg is in die navorsing. Beide kwalitatiewe en
kwantitatiewe ondersoekmetodes is gebruik. Die primere metode om data in te samel,
was die meningsopname wat die uitstuur van vraelyste vir beide derdejaarstudente en
dosente in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe ingesluit het. Studente is gekies uit die
derdejaarstudente in die Fakultiet Geesteswetenskappe. 'n Proporsioneel gestratifiseerde
ewekansige monsternemingsprosedure is toegepas op beide die personeel en die studente.
Hoofstuk Vier bied 'n sistematiese ontleding van die response op die vraelyste. Die
studente se response op die vraelyste is ontleed en daarna is 'n ontleding van die
personeel se vraelyste gedoen. Die uitslae hiervan word in tabelvorm voorgelê en word
daarna bespreek.
Date12 1900
CreatorsEssack, Shaheeda
ContributorsKapp, C. A., Thorold, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format243 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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