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The effect of teaching methods used as experienced and perceived by student nurses at a nursing college in the Western Cape province

Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 21st century teaching environment is unique in its diversity, and challenges
academic staff to create a teaching environment that is conducive to all current
learners. Various teaching methods are available and affordable, but technology
remains an essential investment for the future of higher education institutions.
The goal of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of student nurses regarding
the effectiveness of the teaching methods which they experienced at a nursing
college in the Western Cape Province.
The objectives included an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods as
perceived and experienced by students of:
- The traditional (green/whiteboard) lecture
- Group activity
- Self-activity
- The use of technology such as PowerPoint presentations and video clips.
An explorative descriptive research design was applied with a quantitative approach.
The target population (N=1238) consisted of nursing students following the
programme leading to registration as a professional nurse. Stratified random
sampling was used to select the sample of participants (n=267).
Data was collected personally by the researcher with a self-administered
questionnaire which consisted of predominantly closed questions.
Ethics approval to conduct this study was obtained from Stellenbosch University
including permission from all other relevant parties.
Reliability and validity of the study were assured through a pilot study, consultation
with experts in nursing, education and statistics. The reliability of the questions were
tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient test which varied between .89 and .94.
The data was analysed with the support of a statistician and was expressed as
frequencies in tables and histograms. Descriptive statistics and post-hoc analyses
including tests for statistical associations were performed.
Results include a significant difference in generation X participants and the
green/whiteboard teaching methods (Spearman p-value = 0.02) and their preference of the traditional lecture as a teaching method (Spearman p-value = <0.01). The
perceived effectiveness of the teaching methods on student performance varied
between very helpful and not helpful. Only (n = 49/19%) of participants experienced
the traditional lecture as being very helpful on their general academic performance, in
comparison to the effect of group work (n = 69/26%) and self-activity (n = 102/39%).
Furthermore, no significant results were obtained between the participants and the
perceived effect of the teaching methods.
Open-ended questions showed that participants regarded the teaching strategies as
boring and ancient and that much of the unhappiness expressed stems from the
difference in the needs of millennials and the lack of change and obstinacy existing
amongst academics.
Recommendations include an increase in the use of technology, a blended approach
to teaching, the re-training of academic staff, measures in counteracting a boring
classroom environment, orientation for neophyte academics and students, workload
perception of students and class size.
In conclusion should recommendations be implemented a complete transformation of
the college under study will result. It may force the education institution to move out
of complacency, to a more vigorous and dynamic education environment that
enables them to emerge as an Higher Education Institution (HEI) of good standing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een-en-twintigste-eeuse onderwysomgewing is uniek wat betref diversiteit en
daag akademiese personeel uit om teenswoordig ’n onderwysomgewing te skep wat
bevorderlik is vir alle leerders. Verskeie onderwysmetodes is beskikbaar en
bekostigbaar, maar tegnologie bly ’n noodsaaklike belegging vir die toekoms van
hoër onderwysinstansies.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van die gebruik van
onderwysmetodes wat waargeneem en ondervind word deur
studentverpleegkundiges by ’n spesifieke Verpleegkollege in die Wes-Kaap, te
evalueer. Die doelwitte sluit in die evaluering aangaande die effektiwiteit soos
waargeneem en ondervind deur studente van die volgende onderwysmetodes:
- Die tradisionele groen/witbord lesing
- Groepaktiwiteit
- Selfaktiwiteit
- Die gebruik van tegnologie soos PowerPoint-aanbiedings en video-insetsels.
’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe
benadering is toegepas. Die teikengroep is (n=1238) wat uit verpleegstudente
bestaan wat die program vir die van ’n geregistreerde professionele verpleegster
volg. ’n Gestratifieerde ewekansige steekproef is gebruik om die deelnemers (n=267)
te selekteer.
Data is self deur die navorser ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde
vraelys wat hoofsaklik uit geslote vrae bestaan het.
Etiese goedkeuring om die studie na te vors, is verkry van die Universtiteit van
Stellenbosch, asook die van al die betrokke partye.
Betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die studie is verseker deur ’n loodsondersoek,
sowel as raadpleging met deskundiges op die gebied van Verpleging, Opvoedkunde
en Statistiek. Die betroubaaarheid van die vrae is getoets deur gebruik te maak van
die Cronbach-alpha koëffisiënt toets wat tussen .89 en .94 gevarieer het.
Die data is geanaliseer met die ondersteuning van ’n statistikus en word voorgestel
as frekwensies in tabelle en histogramme. Beskrywende statistieke en post-hoc
analises, insluitende toetse vir statistiese assossiasies, is uitgevoer. Resultate sluit in ’n beduidende verskil in generasie x-deelnemers en die groen- of
witbord onderwysmetodes (Spearman p-waarde = 0.02) en hul voorkeur vir die
tradisionele lesing as ’n onderrigmetode (Spearman p-aarde >0.01). Die effektiwiteit
van die onderwysmetodes op studenteprestasies wat waargeneem is, varieer tussen
baie waardevol en van geen waarde nie.
Slegs (n=49/19%) van die deelnemers het die tradisionele lesing as baie waardevol
vir hul algemene akademiese prestasie ervaar, in vergelyking met die effek van
groepwerk (n=69/26%) en self-aktiwiteit (n=102/39%). Vervolgens, is geen
beduidende resultate verkry tussen die deelnemers en die effek van die
onderrigmetodes wat waargeneem is nie.
Ope vrae bewys dat deelnemers die onderwysstrategieë as vervelig en verouderd
beskou en dat baie van die ongelukkigheid wat deurgevoer is, voortspruit uit die
verskil in die behoeftes van die milleniums en die gebrek aan geneentheid, asook
halsstarrigheid by akademici om te verander.
Aanbevelings sluit in ’n toename in die gebruik van tegnologie, ’n saamgestelde
benadering tot onderrig, die heropleiding van akademiese personeel, maatstawwe
om ’n vervelige klaskameratmosfeer teen te werk, oriëntering vir neofiet akademici
en studente se persepsie van werklading en klasgrootte.
Ten slotte, indien aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, sal ’n volslae transformasie
van die kollege onder die soeklig, plaasvind. Dit mag die opvoedkundige instansie
forseer om te beweeg vanuit ’n toestand van gemaksugtigheid na ’n meer
ondernemende en dinamiese onderrigomgewing wat in staat sal wees om as ’n Hoër
Onderwysinstansie van formaat te funksioneer.
Date12 1900
CreatorsFurst, Laetitia Nicole
ContributorsStellenberg, E. L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format142 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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