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K-set Polygons and Centroid Triangulations

This thesis is a contribution to a classical problem in computational and combinatorial geometry: the study of the k-sets of a set V of n points in the plane. First we introduce the notion of convex inclusion chain that is an ordering of the points of V such that no point is inside the convex hull of the points that precede it. Every k-set of an initial sub-sequence of the chain is called a k-set of the chain. We prove that the number of these k-sets is an invariant of V and is equal to the number of regions in the order-k Voronoi diagram of V. We then deduce an online algorithm for the construction of the k-sets of the vertices of a simple polygonal line such that every vertex of this line is outside the convex hull of all its preceding vertices on the line. If c is the total number of k-sets built with this algorithm, the complexity of our algorithm is in O(n log n + c log^2k) and is equal, per constructed k-set, to the complexity of the best algorithm known. Afterward, we prove that the classical divide and conquer algorithmic method can be adapted to the construction of the k-sets of V. The algorithm has a complexity of O(n log n + c log^2k log(n/k)), where c is the maximum number of k-sets of a set of n points. We finally prove that the centers of gravity of the k-sets of a convex inclusion chain are the vertices of a triangulation belonging to the family of so-called centroid triangulations. This family notably contains the dual of the order-k Voronoi diagram. We give an algorithm that builds particular centroid triangulations in O(n log n + k(n- k) log^2 k) time, which is more efficient than all the currently known algorithms.
Date09 October 2009
CreatorsEl Oraiby, Wael
PublisherUniversité de Haute Alsace - Mulhouse
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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