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Extremal combinatorics, graph limits and computational complexity

This thesis is primarily focused on problems in extremal combinatorics, although we will also consider some questions of analytic and algorithmic nature. The d-dimensional hypercube is the graph with vertex set {0,1}<sup>d</sup> where two vertices are adjacent if they differ in exactly one coordinate. In Chapter 2 we obtain an upper bound on the 'saturation number' of Q<sub>m</sub> in Q<sub>d</sub>. Specifically, we show that for m &ge; 2 fixed and d large there exists a subgraph G of Q<sub>d</sub> of bounded average degree such that G does not contain a copy of Q<sub>m</sub> but, for every G' such that G &subne; G' &sube; Q<sub>d</sub>, the graph G' contains a copy of Q<sub>m</sub>. This result answers a question of Johnson and Pinto and is best possible up to a factor of O(m). In Chapter 3, we show that there exists &epsilon; &gt; 0 such that for all k and for n sufficiently large there is a collection of at most 2<sup>(1-&epsilon;)k</sup> subsets of [n] which does not contain a chain of length k+1 under inclusion and is maximal subject to this property. This disproves a conjecture of Gerbner, Keszegh, Lemons, Palmer, P&aacute;lv&ouml;lgyi and Patk&oacute;s. We also prove that there exists a constant c &isin; (0,1) such that the smallest such collection is of cardinality 2<sup>(1+o(1))<sup>ck</sup> </sup> for all k. In Chapter 4, we obtain an exact expression for the 'weak saturation number' of Q<sub>m</sub> in Q<sub>d</sub>. That is, we determine the minimum number of edges in a spanning subgraph G of Q<sub>d</sub> such that the edges of E(Q<sub>d</sub>)\E(G) can be added to G, one edge at a time, such that each new edge completes a copy of Q<sub>m</sub>. This answers another question of Johnson and Pinto. We also obtain a more general result for the weak saturation of 'axis aligned' copies of a multidimensional grid in a larger grid. In the r-neighbour bootstrap process, one begins with a set A<sub>0</sub> of 'infected' vertices in a graph G and, at each step, a 'healthy' vertex becomes infected if it has at least r infected neighbours. If every vertex of G is eventually infected, then we say that A<sub>0</sub> percolates. In Chapter 5, we apply ideas from weak saturation to prove that, for fixed r &ge; 2, every percolating set in Q<sub>d</sub> has cardinality at least (1+o(1))(d choose r-1)/r. This confirms a conjecture of Balogh and Bollob&aacute;s and is asymptotically best possible. In addition, we determine the minimum cardinality exactly in the case r=3 (the minimum cardinality in the case r=2 was already known). In Chapter 6, we provide a framework for proving lower bounds on the number of comparable pairs in a subset S of a partially ordered set (poset) of prescribed size. We apply this framework to obtain an explicit bound of this type for the poset &Vscr;(q,n) consisting of all subspaces of &Fopf;<sub>q</sub><sup>n</sup>ordered by inclusion which is best possible when S is not too large. In Chapter 7, we apply the result from Chapter 6 along with the recently developed 'container method,' to obtain an upper bound on the number of antichains in &Vscr;(q,n) and a bound on the size of the largest antichain in a p-random subset of &Vscr;(q,n) which holds with high probability for p in a certain range. In Chapter 8, we construct a 'finitely forcible graphon' W for which there exists a sequence (&epsilon;<sub>i</sub>)<sup>&infin;</sup><sub>i=1</sub> tending to zero such that, for all i &ge; 1, every weak &epsilon;<sub>i</sub>-regular partition of W has at least exp(&epsilon;<sub>i</sub><sup>-2</sup>/2<sup>5log&lowast;&epsilon;<sub>i</sub><sup>-2</sup></sup>) parts. This result shows that the structure of a finitely forcible graphon can be much more complex than was anticipated in a paper of Lov&aacute;sz and Szegedy. For positive integers p,q with p/q &VerticalSeparator;&ge; 2, a circular (p,q)-colouring of a graph G is a mapping V(G) &rarr; &Zopf;<sub>p</sub> such that any two adjacent vertices are mapped to elements of &Zopf;<sub>p</sub> at distance at least q from one another. The reconfiguration problem for circular colourings asks, given two (p,q)-colourings f and g of G, is it possible to transform f into g by recolouring one vertex at a time so that every intermediate mapping is a p,q-colouring? In Chapter 9, we show that this question can be answered in polynomial time for 2 &le; p/q &LT; 4 and is PSPACE-complete for p/q &ge; 4.
Date January 2016
CreatorsNoel, Jonathan A.
ContributorsScott, Alex
PublisherUniversity of Oxford
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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