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A Comparison of School-Based and Clinic-Based Interventions for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Obesity

In the United States, obesity is becoming an ever increasing problem, especially among youth. The prevalence of adult obesity-related health complications, until recently were only seen in adults, are arising within the youth population. The increasing rate of childhood obesity is of public health importance; if not properly dealt with now, the current generation of children will grow up and face serious health complications both in their late childhood and adult years.
To address this epidemic, two approaches that can be utilized are school-based and clinical based interventions. Even though each type of intervention takes place in a different setting, the same basic principles of nutrition education, healthy eating and physical activity are addressed. While each of the two types of interventions has strengths and weaknesses, the overall goals of both school-based and clinic-based interventions are a reduction in weight and increase in the health of the children participating in the intervention.
Date26 June 2008
CreatorsReeners, Kathryn Zella
ContributorsRobin E. Grubs, PhD, CGC, James Butler, DrPH, Martha Ann Terry, PhD
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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