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Housing education and training in the general education and training band of the national qualifications framework

Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of housing in South Africa is a national priority. As many of the aspirant
homeowners are first-time homeowners, they are not necessarily informed about the
pitfalls of home ownership. From April 1994 till March 2000 the Department of Housing
approved more than 1,1 million housing subsidies. The recipients of these subsidies were
first-time homeowners that did not possess the necessary knowledge and skills to make
informed and responsible housing-related decisions, thus making them vulnerable to
exploitation and creating complex problems that hamper the housing delivery process.
The release of the National Housing Code during March 2000 announced that the South
African Government had harnessed seven strategies that were aimed at providing housing
to a growing low-income market that already exceeded two-and-a-half million
households. Although the Government has attempted short-term solutions aimed at
equipping these housing consumers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make
informed and responsible housing-related decisions, initial research pointed to the need
for a sustainable long-term solution in the form of education and training of the housing
The aim of this research was three-fold: Firstly, to determine the knowledge and skills
required by the housing consumer to be able to make informed and responsible housingrelated
decisions. Secondly, to determine the status of housing education and training in
the present primary and secondary school curriculums. Thirdly, to develop an outcomesbased
model that would facilitate the inclusion of the identified and refined housing
education and training content into the General Education and Training (GET) Band of
the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
A culturally diverse group of educators and practitioners participated in four national
structured group meetings that were facilitated using the Nominal Group Technique
(NGT). The aim of these meetings was to identify the knowledge and skills required by
consumers to be able to make informed and responsible housing-related decisions.
Sixteen housing education and training core concepts could be isolated using the responses generated during the meetings, namely: "Basic Housing Technology" (BHT),
"Community" (COMM), "Cultural Aspects of Housing" (CAH), "Environment" (ENV),
"Financial Aspects of Housing" (FAR), "Housing Consumerism" (HC), "Housing Design
and Decoration" (HDD), "Housing Market" (HM), "Housing Needs" (HN), "Housing
Policy" (HP), "Legal Aspects of Housing" (LAH), "Resource Management" (RM), "Role-
Players in Housing" (RP), "Sources of Housing Information" (SRI), "Tenure Options"
(TO) and "Types of Housing" (TH).
The document analysis performed in the second phase of the research, revealed the
paucity of housing education and training core concepts in the current curriculum of the
GET and Further Education and Training (FET) Bands of the NQF. Housing education
and training core concepts occurred in only 50% of the 318 core subject curriculums. Of
the housing education and training core concepts that were present in these documents,
less than 40% were rated as "relevant" and could therefore be used for housing education
and training of the learners.
An outcomes-based model was developed that can be used to facilitate the inclusion of
the housing education and training content into the Foundation, Intermediate and Senior
Phases of the GET Band using the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes, Learning Areas,
Specific Outcomes, Assessment Criteria, Performance Indicators, Phase and Programme
Organisers, currently included in the new curriculum. Outcomes were then developed
that reflected the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values embedded in the sixteen housing
education and training core concepts. The mastering of these 57 outcomes will reduce
the ignorance of first time homeowners during the housing process and provide a
sustainable, long-term solution to these problems . / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Behuisingsvoorsiening is 'n nasionale prioriteit in Suid-Afrika. Aangesien baie van die
aspirant huiseienaars, eerstemaal-huiseienaars is, is hulle nie altyd bewus van die slaggate
van huiseienaarskap nie. Vanaf April 1994 tot Maart 2000 het die Departement van
Behuising meer as 1,1 miljoen behuisingsubsidies goedgekeur. Die ontvangers van
hierdie behuisingsubsidies was eerstemaal-huiseienaars, en het nie die kennis en
vaardigdhede besit wat benodig word om ingeligte en verantwoordelike
behuisingsbesluite te neem nie. Daarom kan hulle blootgestel word aan uitbuiting, en is
komplekse probleme veroorsaak wat die behuisingsvoorsieningsproses negatief
beinvloed. Die vrystelling van die Nasionale Behuisingskode gedurende Maart 2000 het
aangetoon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering sewe strategiee sou gebruik om behuising
aan die groeiende lae-inkomste behuisingsmark te voorsien, wat alreeds twee-en-'n-half
miljoen huishoudings behels het. Die Regering het al korttermyn oplossings op die proef
gestel wat daarop gemik is om behuisingsverbruikers met die nodige kennis en
vaardigdhede toe te rus om ingeligte en verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te neem.
Verkennende navorsing het getoon dat daar steeds 'n behoefte bestaan aan 'n langtermyn,
volhoubare oplossing in die vorm van opvoeding en opleiding van die
Die doel van hierdie navorsing was drie-voudig: Eerstens, om te bepaal watter kennis en
vaardighede die behuisingsverbruiker benodig om ingeligte en verantwoordelike
behuisingsbesluite te kan maak. Tweedens, om die stand van behuisingsinhoud in die
huidige primere- en sekondere skoolsillabus te ondersoek. Derdens, om 'n
uitkomsgerigte model te ontwikkel wat die insluiting van die geidentifiseerde en verfynde
behuisingsinhoud in die Algemene Onderwysvlak (AOV) van die Nasionale Kurrikulum
Raamwerk (NKR) sal bewerkstellig.
'n Kultureel diverse groep, wat bestaan het uit opvoeders en behuisingspraktisyns, het
deelgeneem aan vier nasionale gestruktureerde fokusgroeponderhoude wat deur middel
van die Nominale Groeptegniek (NGT) gefasiliteer is. Die doel van hierdie onderhoude was om vaardigdhede wat deur die verbruiker benodig word om ingeligte en
verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te neem, te identifiseer. Die inligting wat tydens
hierdie fokusgroeponderhoude ingewin is, is gebruik om sestien kembehuisingskonsepte
te identifiseer, naamlik "Basic Housing Technology" (BHT), "Community" (COMM),
"Cultural Aspects of Housing" (CAH), "Environment" (ENV), "Financial Aspects of
Housing" (FAH), "Housing Consumerism" (HC), "Housing Design and Decoration"
(HDD), "Housing Market" (HM), "Housing needs" (HN), "Housing Policy" (HP), "Legal
Aspects of Housing" (LAH), "Resource Management" (RM), "Role-players in Housing"
(RP), "Sources of Housing Information" (SID), "Tenure Options" (TO) en "Types of
Housing" (TH).
Die dokumentanalise in die tweede fase van die navorsing, het die huidige, gebrekkige
behuisingsopvoedingskomponent van die 'kemvakkurrikulums van laer- en hoerskole
uitgewys. Slegs 50% van die 318 kemvakkurrikulums het behuisingskonsepte bevat.
Minder as 40% van die behuisingskonsepte wat wel in hierdie kurrikulums verskyn het, is
as "relevant" geevalueer, en kon dus gebruik word vir die behuisingsopvoeding van die
'n Model wat voldoen aan die vereistes van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysmodelle is
ontwikkel om die insluiting van hierdie behuingsinhoud in die Grondslag-, Intermediere >-
en Senior Fases van die AOV te bewerkstellig. Daar is gebruik gemaak van bestaande
kurrikulumkonstrulcte van Kurrikulum 2005. Uitkomste is ontwikkel wat die kennis,
vaardigdhede, houdings en waardes, ingesluit in die kernkonsepte, weerspieel. Die
'. bemeestering van hierdie 57 uitkomste, sal die onkunde van eerstemaal-huiseienaars
gedurende die behuisingsproses verminder, asook 'n volhoubare, langtermyn oplossing
vir hierdie probleme daarstel.
Date03 1900
CreatorsSerfontein, Michele
ContributorsVan Wyk, A. S., Vosloo, M. C., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies .
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format342 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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