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A produção científica no Brasil nos anos de 2003 a 2008 sobre Síndrome de Burnout e Docência / The scientific production in Brazil in the years 2003 to 2008 on Burnout Syndrome and Teaching

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Previous issue date: 2009 / Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica através de busca nas bases de dados da SciELO e Bireme, onde foram identificados e analisados os estudos que tratavam do tema Síndrome de burnout e docência, para o período compreendido entre os anos de 2003 e 2008. Foram selecionados os trabalhos que se apresentavam nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, e que continham em suas palavras-chave ou unitermos, os seguintes resultados: docência, professores, docentes, estresse, educação, escola, violência, burnout, estafa profissional, transtornos emocionais, mentais ou psicológicos / psiquiátricos, despersonalização, trabalho docente, saúde, doença, depressão, magistério, saúde do trabalhador, exaustão emocional, estafa profissional, sofrimento e distúrbios. A pesquisa foi realizada de forma composta, utilizando-se do cruzamento das palavras entre si, e selecionando-se, assim, os estudos que se apresentaram. Para uma melhor compreensão, foram analisados também estudos que correlacionavam está síndrome a outras profissões, sendo realizado inicialmente um breve histórico sobre a mesma. Buscou-se apresentar como se dá a organização do trabalho docente ea relação existente entre a docência e o desenvolvimento da Síndrome de burnout. Os fatores relacionados ao surgimento da síndrome foram apresentados, assim como o que existe de produção científica versando sobre a violência como um possível fator determinante para o desencadeamento do processo de desenvolvimento da síndrome. Buscou-se ainda mapear os estudos sobre a Síndrome de burnout e docência, identificando as áreas de conhecimento e periódicos que tratam do tema, assim como as metodologias utilizadas e as regiões do Brasil que se apresentaram com maior freqüência nos estudos. Outro ponto abordado foi existência de relação entre uma maior incidência do desenvolvimento da síndrome e o fato de selecionar em escolas da rede privada ou pública. Concluiu-se que a Síndrome de Burnout vem sendo estudada a mais de vinte anos no cenário acadêmico, mas que os estudos que correlacionam esta com o acometimento dos docentes no Brasil ainda se mostram insuficientes, levando-se em consideração o universo de profissionais que atuam nesta área e o número de publicações encontradas. A organização da rotina do trabalho docente tem influência direta e é um dos fatores predominantes para o desenvolvimento da síndrome por estes profissionais. Existe também a influência das características pessoais, onde a questão da escolha por esta profissão pode estar atrelada à imagem, de quem a faz estaria pautada na vocação para tal. / A literature review was performed through a search of the SciELO and Bireme databases, identifying and analyzing studies that dealt with the theme of burnout Syndrome and the teaching profession, covering the years 2003 to 2008.
Studies were selected that were presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and that
contained the following results or their linguistic equivalents in their keywords or uniterms: teaching, professors, teachers, faculty, stress, education, school, violence, burnout, professional strain, emotional, mental, or psychological/psychiatric disorders, depersonalization, teaching work, health, disease, depression, professorate, worker’s health, emotional exhaustion, distress,
and disorders. The research took a compound approach, cross-referencing the words and
thereby selecting the respective studies.
To enhance the understanding of the theme, studies were also analyzed that correlated
burnout Syndrome to other professions, with a brief historical overview of the theme. The aim
was to discuss how teaching work is organized and the relationship between the teaching profession and the development of burnout Syndrome. Factors related to the syndrome are presented, in addition to the scientific output on violence as a possible determinant in triggering the development of burnout. The study further seeks to map the studies on burnout syndrome and teaching, identifying the areas of knowledge and periodicals dealing with the theme, as well as the
methodologies used and the regions of Brazil reporting the highest incidence in the studies.
Another key point was the existence of a relationship between increased incidence of burnout and teaching in public versus private schools. In conclusion, burnout syndrome has been studied for more than twenty years in the
academic setting, but studies that correlate it to teaching in Brazil are still insufficient in
number, considering the contingent of professionals working in this area and the number of publications found. Organization of teaching work and the teaching routine have a direct influence and is one of the predominant factors in the development of burnout by these workers. Personal characteristics also come into play, whereby the choice of teaching as a profession may be linked to the image, that is, the notion that teaching is a matter of personal calling.
Various other factors also appear to be related to the development of burnout by teachers, such as lack of autonomy in relation to institutional decisions or even the work routine, deterioration of the school system in Brazil, including classroom overcrowding and the schools’ inadequate physical structure for their target public, and rapid changes in the teaching
11 routine, generating an intense overload and contributing significantly to the development of the syndrome. Although the theme of violence touches the school system and the school routine, it was not approached by the studies identified here as a predominant factor in the development of
burnout. However, under the coordination of Wanderley Codo¹, an important compilation of
various studies became a book, “Educação: carinho e trabalho. Burnout, a síndrome da desistência do educador, que pode levar à alência da educação” [Education: affection and work. Burnout, the discouraged teacher’s syndrome, a potential cause of educational bankruptcy], which served as backup for the current study by approaching the issue at the Brazilian national level and providing a more comprehensive view of the theme.
The fields of knowledge that have published the most on burnout are Health, Psychology, and Education, in that order, with the latter showing an insufficient number of publications, given that it targets the specific public involved in this research. Field studies were the most relevant types of studies found and dealt with the specific theme of this research, besides the predominance of studies conducted with data collection in private institutions. The Central-West and North of Brazil lacked any studies whatsoever on this theme, and
the Southeast and Northeast had no such studies in the State capitals, so that a more
comprehensive analysis of the problem at the national level was not provided. Based on these findings, new studies are needed with a more in-depth analysis of the relationship between burnout syndrome and teaching, in order to fill the current gaps and thereby generate support for more adequate approaches to the problem.
Date January 2009
CreatorsCunha, Kátia Waléria Vieira da
ContributorsNajar, Alberto Lopes, Amâncio Filho, Antenor
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da FIOCRUZ, instname:Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, instacron:FIOCRUZ

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