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Nov model stručnog usavršavanja profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika u Srbiji: teorijski, metodološki i praktični aspekti / A New Model of Professional Development of Business English Teachers in Serbia: Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Aspects

<p>Doktorska disertacija &bdquo;Nov model stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika u Srbiji: teorijski, metodolo&scaron;ki i praktični aspekti&rdquo; bavi se stručnim usavr&scaron;avanjem profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika u Srbiji. Cilj je upoznavanje profesora, ali i ostalih učesnika u obrazovanju sa savremenim teorijskim istraživanjima i kretanjima u nastavnoj praksi iz oblasti poslovnog engleskog jezika i stručnom usavr&scaron;avanju profesora, te uzimajući u obzir aktuelno stanje u Srbiji u tom pogledu, autorka takođe nastoji da ponudi nov model stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika, koji će se zasnivati na savremenim shvatanjima procesa usavr&scaron;avanja, ali će odgovarati i potrebama i radnim prilikama profesora.<br />Nakon uvodnog poglavlja, koje sadrži opis ciljeva, metoda i tehnika istraživanja, pregled relevantne literature i prikaz organizacije izlaganja, naredna četiri poglavlja predstavljaju teorijski okvir disertacije. U drugom poglavlju opisani su pojmovi u vezi sa jezikom struke i poslovnim engleskim jezikom, dat je uvid u razvoj ovih oblasti i njihove karakteristike, te su povučene sličnosti i razlike između poslovnog i op&scaron;teg engleskog jezika.<br />U trećem poglavlju predstavljen je profil profesora u kontekstu nastave poslovnog engleskog jezika. Na osnovu postojeće literature detaljno su opisane uloge i kompetencije profesora u pogledu poznavanja stručne discipline, analize potreba, kreiranja kursa, odabira i produkcije materijala i evaluacije.<br />Četvrto poglavlje bavi se profilom profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika u okviru savremenog poimanja nastave uop&scaron;te. Tu je opisan razvoj pojma nastavničkog znanja i prikazan je model nastavničkih kompetencija koji je nastao u okviru obrazovnog sistema u Srbiji. Takođe, dat je osvrt na karakteristike ličnosti uspe&scaron;nog i kompetentnog profesora.</p><p>Predmet petog poglavlja jesu pojam i karakteristike stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja profesora, sa posebnim naglaskom na usavr&scaron;avanje profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika. U ovom poglavlju takođe je predstavljeno aktuelno stanje u Srbiji u pogledu učenja poslovnog engleskog jezika i stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja.<br />&Scaron;esto poglavlje sadrži opis organizacije i rezultate empirijskog istraživanja sprovedenog tokom 2014. i 2015. godine sa profesorima poslovnog engleskog jezika i polaznicima kurseva poslovnog engleskog jezika u Srbiji. Putem anketnih upitnika i intervjua, profesori su pružili uvid u svoja shvatanja, stavove, potrebe i očekivanja u vezi sa stručnim usavr&scaron;avanjem, a polaznici u vezi sa potrebama i očekivanjima u kontekstu nastave, uloga i kompetencija profesora. Dobijeni rezultati su detaljno analizirani i protumačeni u svetlu savremene teorije i prakse.<br />U sedmom poglavlju predstavljeni su op&scaron;ti zaključci proistekli iz istraživanja i dat je predlog modela stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja profesora poslovnog engleskog jezika u Srbiji.</p> / <p>The doctoral thesis &ldquo;A New Model of Professional Development of Business English Teachers in Serbia: Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Aspects&rdquo; deals with the professional development of Business English Teachers in Serbia. It aims at introducing teachers and other interested parties from the field of education with current research and trends in teaching practice regarding Business English and professional development of teachers. Taking into account the current state of these two fields in Serbia, the author also proposes a new model of professional development of Business English teachers, which draws on contemporary views of the process of professional development and also meets the needs and fits the working environment of the teachers.<br />Following the introductory chapter, which offers the description of the aims, methods and techniques employed in this research, the overview of relevant literature as well as the thesis structure, the next four chapters represent a theoretical framework within which the research has been undertaken. The second chapter introduces the main concepts related to the language for specific purposes and Business English, shows the development of these two fields, draws similarities and explores differences between Business English and General English.<br />The third chapter provides a description of the teacher profile within the Business English context. Based on findings in the literature, the author describes Business English teacher roles and competences in terms of knowledge of the specialist subject, needs analysis, course design, material selection and production, and evaluation.</p><p>The fourth chapter addresses the teacher profile within the contemporary understanding of the teaching practice in general. It shows the development of the concept of teaching knowledge and presents a framework of teacher competences that has been created within the educational system in Serbia. At the end of the chapter, the author briefly touches upon the subject of personality features of successful and competent teachers.<br />The fifth chapter outlines the main concepts and features of the field of teachers&rsquo; professional development and particularly focuses on the professional development of Business English teachers. It then proceeds with a description of the current situation in Serbia regarding learning and teaching Business English, as well as that of professional development of Business English teachers.<br />The sixth chapter offers a thorough description of the organization and results of the empirical research conducted with Business English teachers and students in Serbia during 2014 and 2015. By employing a survey and an interview as research instruments, the teachers gave an insight into their attitudes, views, needs and expectations regarding professional development, and the students revealed their needs and expectations regarding Business English classes, teacher roles and competences. The findings have been analysed in detail and interpreted within the framework of contemporary teaching theory and practice.<br />The seventh chapter presents the general conclusions that have been drawn from the empirical research and contains the author&rsquo;s proposal of the model of professional development of Business English teachers in Serbia.</p>
Date07 June 2016
CreatorsVidaković Mirna
ContributorsBodrič Radmila, Prćić Tvrtko, Glušac Tatjana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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