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AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION SHENG-TAO FAN, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in SPEECH COMMUNICATION, presented on APRIL 11, 2013, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: PERFORMATIVE CORPORATE TRAINING IN TAIWAN MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Elyse L. Pineau This dissertation attempts to translate performance concepts and techniques into corporate training models for concretely increasing Taiwanese business competencies. I argue that this performance praxis is especially relevant to Taiwanese business contexts because of our Taoist traditions, which performative corporate training can awaken and activate. The purpose of applying performance praxis in corporate training is not to enhance physical techniques, acting skills, or technical competence, but rather to explore organizational dynamics through embodiment and to enrich management-related knowledge involving leadership, creativity, and team building. In Chapter One, Introduction to Taoism and Taiwanese Corporate Culture, I show that Taiwanese corporate culture is bonded and interdependent with Taoism. In Chapter Two, Performance Pedagogy for Business Contexts, I categorize different forms of performative pedagogies in teaching, learning, and corporate training as well as examining Taiwanese practices of performance pedagogy. Based on my systematic literature review of Western academia and analysis of Taiwanese practices, I create a calligraphic model for developing and analyzing performative corporate training programs within organizational and cultural contexts. This model elaborates three characteristics of the Taiwanese corporate culture (harmony, innovation, and teamwork), three features of Taoism (ecology, creativity, and community-building), and three principles of performance (balance, imagination, and collaboration) for Taiwanese corporate training. In Chapter Three, I present a case study of the STOMP Performative Corporate Training program, led by Smart Orange Training and Consulting. Through thick descriptions from an insider's perspective, I demonstrate that this innovative and successful case advances the trend of management development from experiential learning to performative training. In Chapter Four, I propose a management education course for a university Executive Master of Business Administration program, entitled "Performing Mentor." In addition, I design a corporate training program, entitled "Performing Taiwanese Cultural Festivals" that uses performative pedagogy to awaken innovation, promote harmony, and facilitate teamwork among business participants. In Chapter Five, I synthesize the study and note its limitations and directions for future research. In essence, this dissertation is theorization about performative pedagogy in corporate training with unique Taiwanese practices. It creates interdisciplinary integration, industry/academia collaboration, and cross-cultural understanding.
Date01 May 2013
CreatorsFan, Sheng-Tao
Source SetsSouthern Illinois University Carbondale
Detected LanguageEnglish

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